why delete "we're pawns" threat?

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Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
i'm not trying to be rebellious and i'm not asking for trouble, but i'm just curious as to why the admin deleted that last post saying "we're all pawns" that was linked from GameSpots article, cause honestly i think that it had some good points and was right with certain aspects. I just dont think that people who might have opinions differing from the release date being sept30 should be flamed or rejected. I think thats one of the problems with this community's attitude. It seems that anybody who says there might be a delay gets burned by everyone. Anyways, thats my 2 cents
Originally posted by JonTheCanuck
i'm not trying to be rebellious and i'm not asking for trouble, but i'm just curious as to why the admin deleted that last post saying "we're all pawns" that was linked from GameSpots article, cause honestly i think that it had some good points and was right with certain aspects. I just dont think that people who might have opinions differing from the release date being sept30 should be flamed or rejected. I think thats one of the problems with this community's attitude. It seems that anybody who says there might be a delay gets burned by everyone. Anyways, thats my 2 cents

i also agree, but you know, you gotta delete shit when there ALOT of it floating arounf in the forums, these people cant get organised, adn thats why needless threads are being created, i agree with both sides....

EDIT: thats why mods need to delete shit, and i think that no matter how hard we try to have aseparate thread for each topic, some dumbass will ALWAYS ruin it for us... those were MY PENNIES!
Re: Re: why delete "we're pawns" threat?

Originally posted by |\/|oDdiC(_)$
i also agree, but you know, you gotta delete shit when there ALOT of it floating arounf in the forums, these people cant get organised, adn thats why needless threads are being created, i agree with both sides....

yeah yur right, but that pawns thread that was just closed was somethign new, but since it goes against the sept 30th release date, its automatically locked and deleted
i know im barely a zombie but it doesnt mean i have to listen to headcrabs, so i want all headcrabs removed from my field of view... ... good. carry on.
I agree. Too many stickies, not enough admin communication, horrible choices in what threads should be locked and what shouldn't.

The release date is a hot topic right now. They should deal with it.

But, this is their board, and people have to play by their rules...
quite... but, theres also the fact that everyone can have a vote, and then do whatever the polls say :) like a community poll ;) sound good D33? lol
its a sensitive topic. people dont want to hear that its going to be delayed, because that would not make them happy. so being logical goes out the window.

still though, there is no proof either way.
The Gamespot editorials?
Theres already a thread on that.
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