Why do my eyes burn so much?


Apr 24, 2004
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So I'm on the computer for 15 minutes and already I'm feeling as if I've been on it for hours.

I'm drinking multivitamin tabs and am on the computer at least 6 hours a day but not any more than an hour-long session (and rest between these periods).

Could it be my monitor? Or what could it be?

While on the computer, are you masturbating into your eyes? If so, don't.

Seriously, you might want to check the refresh rates of your monitor. Is it CRT or LCD? Also, do you have any eye problems that you know of? Do you wear glasses? Are you prone to epilepsy?
This guy can tell you all about soothing dry, red eyes:

heh ^

do you play in a dark room? i tend to have my eyes hurt more if the room isnt close to the brightness of the monitor. also could be that you have bad eyes?
Refresh rate is like at 100. I do wear glasses. The contraste between the monitor and the background is "smoothed out" or not very contrasting, in other words. As a matter of fact I turn down the screen brightness to 20% and the contrast to about 30%.

My eyes are indeed dry, Razmatazz.
My eyes are indeed dry, Razmatazz.

Moisturize them with some eye drops. They might be burning because of the dryness. Either that or your retinas could be detaching. 50/50
I used to get this with shitty 60hz CRTs at school. :/
Honestly, from the amount of time I spend on here lately, I'm surprised my eyes haven't dried up into solid husks of calcium. By all rights, my ass should be square by now.
Are they on fire? If so put them out.

I had them on fire once, i played garrysmod for about 4 hours and was around my 3-4 time on the source engine and its awesome graphics, only then halfway, my eyes caught fire. I didnt noticed until i started to smell delicious meat and started to eat my forehead skin. And then i had to put it out.
Been having the same problem lately. Not very comfortable to say the least.
My eyes get tired really fast lately, someone who knows about eyes : HALP
Is there a fan on above you? I've had that drive me crazy, drying my eyes out for an entire day before I figured out what it was.
Just set your desktop to bright pink and green - all will be cured.