Why do our joints crack?!


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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This was an interesting read, I thought.


Some peoples' bodies play a percussive symphony of cracking and creaking, thanks to the large orchestra of noise-making human joints. But what's behind it all?

The concerto comes from the pop of gas bubbles escaping the joints, snapping tendons and ligaments, and rickety arthritic joints.

Joints come in a variety of shapes and sizes. The pivot joint lets us say "No" with our heads, while the hinge joint lets us swing our elbows and knees like a door. A baseball pitcher uses the tremendous range of motion of the ball-and-socket joint in his shoulder to throw fastballs. And sliding joints in the backbone make gymnasts' backs so flexible.
Wow, so that's what it is? I can't do a pushups or situps without hearing the crack. Same goes for bending my arms or legs! I always thought it was something with my bones and a lack of calcium or the joints weren't lubricated enough, which scared the shit out of me. My mom has chronic joint pain and it does not look like a good time...
I already read that on a Yahoo! news thing about if cracking our knuckles is bad for us or not.
It isn't bad for us.
I always wondered why I can only snap my finger once ever hour or so. :| It feels the same, why can't I snap it?
Link doesn't work for me somehow. It's like loading forever.
Releasing gas

A protective fluid cushions most of the joints in our bodies.

Inside a capsule that safeguards bones connected at a joint, synovial fluid keeps the cartilage, tissues, and muscles lubricated and well nourished. Nutrients float inside the fluid, along with gases, such as oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide.

As you bend your fingers, the joint capsule stretches. To make more room for the stretch, gases release out of the fluid. The pop of your knuckles is the sound of gas as it bubbles out of the fluid, scientists say. Before your knuckle can crack again, the fluid must reabsorb the gas.

More to it

Tendons and ligaments make a loud racket too.

Tendons are like rubber bands stretched over joints that keep muscles attached to bones. Similarly, ligaments extend to connect bones to other bones. Sometimes, tendons and ligaments slide out of their spot at the joint and then quickly snap back into place.

If your knee cracks when you stand up from sitting on the couch, you're likely hearing your tendons and ligaments popping into proper position around your knee's joints.

Arthritic joints not only cause pain, they can creak as well.

Connecting bones loose their smooth cartilage and grow spurs on their edges. The amount of synovial fluid also increases, making the joint feel stiff and sore. [Graphic]

Okay to crack 'em?

Scientists have conducted few studies on whether cracking your knuckles can cause arthritis or otherwise harm your hands.

Some studies suggest that you can snap your knuckles all you wish, and it won't cause osteoarthritis.

However, other studies indicate that around-the-clock cracking may damage the soft tissue around the joints, make your hand swell, and weaken your grip.

There you go
CyberPitz, you should be executed for using ShoutWire, but the article in itself is good, so I forgive you!<3
/m looks down from his ivory tower, safe in the knowledge that he already knew this and is therefore 'the ultimate'.
CyberPitz, you should be executed for using ShoutWire, but the article in itself is good, so I forgive you!<3

What's wrong with shoutwire? I find it better than most of the news sites I visit.
I want to know why my three fingers pop.
I want to know why my three fingers pop.

I want to know why you sometimes get a headache when popping your neck.

I'm assuming you pinch a nerve, or a vein or something....I don't know for sure though.
I hate the sound of people cracking their fingers. Or their neck and back. Especially the latter two.
CyberPitz you trying to tell us something here? :p
i can crack my thumb forever and my 2 big toes

I can pop my thumbs out of place and then pop the first knuckle going up over and over and over and over...it's weird. Then I can pop the whole thumb back into place making a loud "POP" sound whenever.