Why do you destroy abandoned enemy vehicles?

Gray Fox

Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
I mean why? I mean if you're beeing black hawk raped, and the enemy is stupid enough to leave it damaged but still whole. Why do you fly three times over it with your attack chopper and use all your rockets to destroy the abandoned BH, when you are beeing attacked yourself, why when you see me running to it. Doesn't it take priority to destroy your attacker first.

For that matter why do you insist on destroying that abandoned enemy tank when you see me trying to repair it. And when we only have one ****ing flag left. Why? Does it arouse you sexually, does it make you feel more like man, now that you know it will respawn at the enemy base and he can rape you again. And why are you always on my team. Why is the enemy always smart enough to take it repair it, and either use it themselfes or hide it.

And why do you take vehicles to the plane and just leave them their, why, especially why do you take tanks or apc and just leave them their. Why do you take the boat and just leave it there, is it so hard to take the time to destroy it with 1 freaking satchel or grenade. Does it make you feel more manly when that boat is across the map just sitting there of no use to anyone, while if you just destroyed it with 1 freaking nade it would have respawned, so when you got killed, and you will get killed cause you are an idiot, you could just do it again.
And once again why are you always on my team.

Next time I see you driving that apc and leaving it by the plane, so when the base is under attack I have to run a long freaking way to use against the attackers. I'm going to take it and park it infront of your plane, then I'm going to get out, and let you drive it away, and again when you get out of it, and back in your plane. I'm going to take it and park it infront of you. and again, until you just blow it up to stop me from doing it. And from that day on you will destroy it, not because you gained the ability to think, but because you do not want another player to park it infront of you
Reaktor4 said:
fo shizzle.

It's all about watching the thing explode. Plus I think you get a ticket if you destroy an empty vehicle that was previously occupied. At least, thats what I understand, our clan always encourages us to stay in vehicles even if it's on fire and about to explode, I think you just lose one ticket as opposed to two.
if im in a blackhawk i usually blow up empty cars, not tanks, just cars. I do it mostly because i dont want the enemy to escape.......
The problem is you need 3 passes to shoot up a black hawk with rockets. The second pass is your using rockets to kill things in a chopper. TV guided missles PWN.
The boats, I destroy after ride.

Reason: Its useless after the ride when 'grounded', so to help my teammates I destroy it to make it spawn back.
Haha, I was wondering the same exact thing yesterday. I blew up a tank that was just sitting there and I wondered, "why the hell did I just do that?"
I do it so the enemy doesn't sneak up and take it on me when im infantry. That just means I'm ****ed.

I do it for my own protection. But if a teamate is going for it, I leave it alone. When I'm making an assault on an enemy base, and there aren't many of us fold there, the first thing I shoot at is the tank there. So they can't take it and hit me up easier ;(