Why does everybody care about hl2 going gold?

Sep 9, 2004
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I don't get why so many people have gotten so excited about half-life 2 going gold. It's not like anything has changed, we still are stuck here and we have to wait untill those lazy dudes release it! :x
Wolfy Snackrib said:
I don't get why so many people have gotten so excited about half-life 2 going gold. It's not like anything has changed, we still are stuck here and we have to wait untill those lazy dudes release it! :x
We are so excited about it going gold cause we know an offical release date. Deeeerrrr :rolleyes:
... Because we know that it won't be any longer than the 16th of Nov. this time, unless something extreme happens.
Yes we do still have to wait, but now we know when to expect it. The "lazy dudes" are actually doing something! There are worse questions you could have asked.


At least you didn't ask whether it had gone gold, or what "going gold" meant, or when it was going to come out...
we care about it going gold because we have been waiting a year and a half for this damn game, and its been delayed like 5 times so far and now that its gold we know it CANT be delayed again because they have FINISHED it!
BAH, 17 of november, that's a really long time... when were finally there I'll be all like :bounce:
Wolfy Snackrib said:
BAH, 17 of november, that's a really long time... when were finally there I'll be all like :bounce:
It's the 16th of November.
Wolfy Snackrib said:
BAH, 17 of november, that's a really long time... when were finally there I'll be all like :bounce:

I guess that makes a year and two months something of half an eternity, then. Quit your whining.
Wolfy Snackrib said:
I don't get why so many people have gotten so excited about half-life 2 going gold. It's not like anything has changed
Everything has changed. The game is finished. Dont you get it? Before it went gold, for all we knew it could have been pushed to 2005. Now we can all breathe a sigh of relief that there will be no more complications to delay this game.
we have to wait untill those lazy dudes release it! :x
VALVe has clearly been working their asses off for the past 5 years making what may very well be the most amazing FPS ever. How are they lazy?

Clearly VALVe made a gross error in judgement last year. Still the game has made great strides in 2004. People seem to think VALVe has been taking it easy, but that is ridiculous. If Half-Life 2 were produced any faster, it would be at a sacrifice to the great quality of this game.
Sharrd said:
I guess that makes a year and two months something of half an eternity, then. Quit your whining.

Be nice... and besides.

This is whining:

This is not whining:
We have been waithing over a year and afterwards we'll be bloody happy!
Nostradamus said:
This is not whining:
We have been waithing over a year and afterwards we'll be bloody happy!

Never claimed that it is. I said he's whining, and what he says is pretty much "Ah man, I just heard about this HL2 thing. Now I've got to wait a month 'til it comes out? WTF? OMGLOL they're lazy."
Look guys I'm just really friggin pissed because my life pretty much sucks and one of the few things I live for is HL2. My life sucks because I have it really tough in school, right now I got 2 tests I have to study for and I had math test yesterday, on monday we have a long politics test and on thursday a long biology test. Then I have to live in this rotten old house from the 30s living together with a 78!!! year old man (my grandpa) that is really disgusting, the toilet is so stinky that hell itself would spit it out! and I have to live together with my annoying mother in this house to. I don't get how it could possibly get any worse except if my computer would get a virus and I would never see hl2.
Wolfy Snackrib said:
I don't get why so many people have gotten so excited about half-life 2 going gold. It's not like anything has changed, we still are stuck here and we have to wait untill those lazy dudes release it! :x

Get your asbestos suit on...
Wolfy Snackrib said:
Look guys I'm just really friggin pissed because my life pretty much sucks
Youre not the only one. My life pretty much sucks right now too. But you cant justifiably take it out on VALVe. And your grandfather,. he'll be dead soon. I dont know if the realization of that thought would make you happy or sad, but either way, keep that in mind.
If halflife 2 never goes gold it will never be released...
Why does everybody care about hl2 going gold?

i dunno,why did your mother bother giving birth to you?

and everybodys probably excited cause we have a "offical" release date.
I agree - after all these "HL2 delayed" reports & stuff its nice to have a solid date to countdown :D

And it DOES matter, it is the countdown to the ascension of first person shooters.