Why does everyone hate steam?

Oct 23, 2007
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Seriously whats the issue? I mean it has all the half-life games known to man and you can play them easily and I find it to be great. So why do you hate steam?
I don't hate steam, I just get extremely slow download speeds on it. I think most people with decent internet speed love steam.
Damn straight. I only hate it when I'm capped.
Steam = Better
Live = Good but worse and sometimes annoying
PSN = Terrible

I don't hate steam, its the best distriputer of games out there.
Basically, steam was really buggy when it came out abouit 50 years ago, and lots of people hated it. This has caused it to be fashionable to hate steam, which means whenever someone has something go wrong with steam, usually caused by thier own stupidity/inability to maintain thier PC, they get on a forum and blame steam, with the usual attacks. Then, because its fashionable to knock steam, lots of people come on and say "Yeah, I hate steam to, arn't we cool".

Slowly, the balance is shifting, mostly down to increased broadband penetration (Slow downloads being one of the main arguments used to attack steam) and people are starting to realise that people complaining about steam are either on dial up, which is thier problem, or that they have ****ed up thier computer, which is their fault.
Steam's quite good, downloads are pretty slow though (i.e. compared to most torrents I can get)
Steam's quite good, downloads are pretty slow though (i.e. compared to most torrents I can get)

What about that update which improved download speeds? Did that not change anything for you?

It did for me:bounce:
Somewhat, still only a fraction of the speeds I can get other things at though.
I would say I sometimes dislike Steam (when it doesn't work, when it keeps screwing up my game, etc.) but I wouldn't go as far as to say I hate it. That's my opinion.
Steam can be a serious pain in the balls 90% of the time.

But as far as usefulness goes, it has an autoupdater... which is good.
And a great server browser.

Not to mention their nazi forums.
It used to be a huge following, but they die away more each year. The people you only see complaining about Steam are those having problems either due to their own set-up / firewall issues or an issue Valve is yet to resolve (which they always fix pretty quickly). The other 15 million people are using it just fine, and it's brilliant. As Joule said...who is everyone!?
I love steam! with it i can access all my games easily.
While it has its issues, Steam is actually pretty good. I think it's a good DRM solution that integrates copy protection with communities and achievements.
Kind of a topic change for this thread. Ok since everyone doesn't really hate Steam, tell me why you love it.
Three reasons why I love Steam:

* The games are good value, digital distribution cuts out the middle man meaning lower prices overall. (Although some prices are ridiculous, CoD4 is more expensive on Steam than some shops here in Aus.)

* Auto-updates

* The Steam community in-game overlay, which I've found to be easier to use than Xfire and, in some ways, more reliable, even though it's not quite as functional.
i used to hate steam.. becuase i forgot the anwser to my secret question, and i ended up loosing my counterstrike game, i kinda dont like that if i loose mya ccount i loose all my games and i cant play them, but it realy is pretty awsome, the games take like 0 harddrive space and you dont need the CD for any of them.

i even put my no steam games on my game list cause i realy like steam now :D
i used to hate steam.. becuase i forgot the anwser to my secret question, and i ended up loosing my counterstrike game, i kinda dont like that if i loose mya ccount i loose all my games and i cant play them, but it realy is pretty awsome, the games take like 0 harddrive space and you dont need the CD for any of them.

i even put my no steam games on my game list cause i realy like steam now :D

If you happen to have forgotten your secret answer to your secret question, you should have submitted a support ticket to Steam support. You'd have retrieved your account within 3-5 working days.
* The Steam community in-game overlay, which I've found to be easier to use than Xfire and, in some ways, more reliable, even though it's not quite as functional.

I disagree. The overlay sometimes doesn't even respond in big games such as Team Fortress 2, and become frustrated because I cannot speak to someone.

Even still, Steam is great. I sacrifice small waiting times (ie installing from a disc) just to get it stuck to my account so I can access it wherever. Or if I lose my disc, or it becomes scratched.

The Steam Community is great. It brought the Halflife2.net community much closer, I believe. We can organise matches of TF2, play Ricochet with one another etc. We're all like one big family.

Auto-updates. Well, I've never been one to go round searching for patches on unorganised websites (since, well, I was really young back then) but from what I have heard, it was an absolute pain. Steam just does the job for me.

However, there are some things which annoy me about Steam. One small thing is in the Steam Community settings for your page, there is one saying "Customization" ... then underneath it says, "Coming soon!" It has said that since last August.

When restarting Steam, you right click it in the system tray and click "exit". But when you go to open it again a couple of seconds it says something like, "Whoops! Sorry, Steam is already open." forcing me to end the process in the task manager.

More cons, but I cannot be bothered to explain.

This post may seem like a big review of Steam, but I didn't mean it to be.

tl;dr: Steam is great.
I don't get it, steam downloads things at about 200kb/s, that's ok for me..
I f*cing love Steam and here's why. A while after I bought HL2, one of the 5 CDs got scratched. The same thing happenend to my Comanche 3 and it was game over. But Steam let me redownload a legal HL2 and back it up to disk.

Incidentally, I got my Comanche 3 back from another source.
I love steam, but the download speed is really the only bad thing for me. lately its been ok, but i also havent tried downloading the full source engine/half life 2. When i need to reinstall counter strike, or even on a friends pc ( because for some reason they just reinstall windows when they get some stuipd little spy ware instead of trying to fix it ). I'll pop in the HL2: EP1 disk, install HL2: DM, just to get the basic source engine, then install CSS through steam and it takes about less then an hour. found thats much faster then playing with five disks from 2004 and spending an hour updating :p .

in short, steam is great :D
I've had two annoying moments with Steam. 1. When Half Life 2 got released and the subsequent heart attack it had. 2. It had a bug where downloading would pause itself, but i think thats been fixed.

I do think its the best thing since sliced bread most of the time:cheese:
It had a bug where downloading would pause itself, but i think thats been fixed.

That happens to me sometimes, I have to coax it into resuming it by double clicking on it to bring up the download status bar in a new window.
The only thing that ever really bugged me with Steam was the crappy Offline Mode, never seemed to work right for me. But don't know if that has improved, haven't used it for a while. Other than that, I <3 Steam.
I love steam, with it, i don't need to keep track of my CDs and i can share my games with my friends(to some extent)
As i've said before, Steam gives you lots of reallly good games to play, the only problem is that for some of the wrose computers, it freezes up and refuses to work properly. It's not 'fashionable' to hate Steam, it's just inconvienient when I wait a day for a game to download, and Steam freezes when I double-click on the game.

I'm getting pretty sick of people putting people into groups because of their likes and dislikes. I like to go on the computer, am I a nerd? I personally think the PS3 is gonna become the best console pretty soon, Am I a sony fanboy? No, it's just an opinion defined by my tastes, and what i've experienced through the specific thing.
I don't hate it, I just hate when it crashes randomly. Or when it takes 20 minutes to fire up CoD4, then I give up, come back an hour later, try it, and it comes up instantly.
I hate steam because i usually run Ubuntu so imagine all the load time of Linux+All the load time of steam
Yea It's like that
I used to hate steam till i got a new computer. Used to have 512 RAM. Used to slow the pc down like a fat amputee.
Steam screws your mother, kills your dad, pulls your sisters hair, and punts the dog.
Steam punts your mother, screws your dog, kills your sister's hair, and pulls your dad.
Steam Steam Steam DARKSIDE!