why does everyone think that vivendi wont......

SGT Tenor

Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Get any money from sales through steam? I mean that would be a silly business contract if that was not part of it. MY bet is that allthough the rumors in a previous may or may not be true, there is reason to believe that those that buy through steam may get a chance o play before hand.

Then again there are those gamers who don't care about the multiplayer aspect and only buy the game thtough retail outlets for the single play experience. I know I did when the original came out. Although when they released team fortress My addiction to online play rose a little.

That's my opinion anyway. Let's hope it comes out as planned. Sept 30
No, why would Vivendi get money for sales through Steam? Steam has absolutely nothing to do with Vivendi, and vice versa. If you buy HL2 through Steam, Valve gets 2.5x the profit or so, because the publisher is cut out.

It wouldn't make sense for Valve to pay Vivendi for a sale through a Valve made program.
They may not have a choice. It could have something to do with a VU contractual obligation. I mean no one really knows, but its not like we get to buy HL2 cheap from Steam since VU isn't getting a cut. So either VALVe is just taking that extra money, or VU is getting a cut off Steam sales.
Vivendi have neither put any money into Steam or into Half-Life 2. There's no reason they'll get money.

Vivendi had a chance to invest in Steam but they didn't. "We don't want to be part of bleeding edge technology".

EDIT, The Barge, Valve have already said that they get 2.5x as much money when they sell through Steam as when a boxed version is sold.
i wonder if theres a backup utility to throw them on cd's...

of course with online internet validation to reduce piracy. dont to download it and then my computer crash, then download it again :(
but the thing is....contract....most publishing companies have exclusive rights to publish and gain profit from sales of things they sell...they don't have to pay anything.

EDIT: quote, Feath "EDIT, The Barge, Valve have already said that they get 2.5x as much money when they sell through Steam as when a boxed version is sold."

VU could be still getting a slice of the pie i supose, just not as big. Publishers get quite abit of money doing what they do. and VU need the money atm haha
of course with online internet validation to reduce piracy. dont to download it and then my computer crash, then download it again

But you can just resume your download from where you crashed
perhaps Vivendi would get a cut of what it would be without the cost of the cd's... (like 3 cents) so forget about my post :p
FoB_Ed said:
But you can just resume your download from where you crashed

I think he means when its so bad you have to reformat and reinstall everything. :O Can you (legally and is it possible) to backup your steam folder with your games in it just incase of a crash? Just would save alot of time and bandwidth. :frog:
Can you (legally and is it possible) to backup your steam folder with your games in it just incase of a crash? Just would save alot of time and bandwidth.

I think they have a record of you in their database. I had my compiuter down with a virus and had to completely format and reinstalled steam. I was still able to download CZ and all it's updates without a hitch.
Normally publishers invest money into game developers but Valve is a self financed indepenant company so that's not the case here.

Vivendi have done NOTHING to help Steam, so why should they get money from sales from it? I'm pretty sure that Valve is in a position to have good contracts. It's not as if they had to beg the Vivendi to publish Half-Life 2, a lot of publishers would've died to publish Half-Life 2.

If I get a taxi to work everyday, but then one day I walk instead, nobody would expect me to go and give some money to the taxi driver because he's done nothing.

The only thing that would mean that Vivendi would get money is that if the original Half-Life contract included any sequels which I don't think is the case. Valve could've chosen any publisher to publish Half-Life 2. And most would've died at the chance. I doubt Valve had to beg Vivendi to publish Half-Life 2.
You can burn the gcf's to cd.. if they fit. if they don't get an external harddrive or burn onto dvd. When you reinstall, stick them straight into the right folder and steam will work fine again, no need to download.
SGT Tenor said:
I think they have a record of you in their database. I had my compiuter down with a virus and had to completely format and reinstalled steam. I was still able to download CZ and all it's updates without a hitch.

The data about which games you bought is kept in your Steam account. That's the point about Steam, you don't just pay for a one off download, you can download it again. You can even store the cache files on CDs so you don't have to download the entire thing again.
I understand your point Feath but I still don't think Vivendi will lose out in the sales regardless of how one purchases the game. All games have at least form my perspective, have their logos come in video format. Like EA games for the sims, battlefield games and even Command and conquer, (MAxis, Westwood, etc)

regardless Vivnedi will get some profit from steam sales. Maybe not much but i'm sure there is a percentage. They wouldn't be that stupid espescially since rumors state that they are in the dumps financially.
SGT Tenor said:
I unserstand your point Feath but I still don't think Vivendi will lose out in the sales regardless of how one purchases the game. All games have at least form my perspective, have their logos come in video format. Like EA games for the sims, battlefield games and even Command and conquer, (MAxis, Westwood, etc)

regardless Vivnedi will get some profit from steram sales. Maybe not much but i'm sure there is a percentage. They wouldn't be that stupid espescially since rumoprs state that they are in the dumpos financially.

It's not a question of them not being stupid. They have nothing to do with it. You may as well say "We'd be stupid not to claim some of the profit of Half-Life 2". Vivendi didn't invest in Steam, Valve pay for Half-Life 2 . Someone tell me why Vivendi deserves any of the money from Steam sales?
yup i see where Feath is comming from, They didnt pay anything (like EA does with most games, to cover game dev.). So i take it they are just their to push out cd's :p. Wasn't sure if they paid or not.

I am now Feath's b**** lol :|

I would download from steam but if its not a world wide release there's no point since i wont be able to play it straight away (no credit card). Oh and my net connection isnt that fast either :monkee:
Unless VALVe signed a contract when they made HL1 that would allow Vivendi to gain profits from every copy of the HL-2 sold then I don't think Vivendi has any choice in whether they get profits from Steam. Why should they?? It's VALVe's own money that has gone into building STEAM into what it is today. I'm personally buying off of STEAM because I'm an avid supporter of the developers getting more of the profits.
nope, HL1 was self funded too. And not sure about that since Sierra where the orignal publishers (later taken by VU and then canned :O correct if i'm wrong). But yah never really know what the publishers put in the contract, i doubt Sierra would of cared if it was a flop since they didn't put any moeny into it. They were just paid to distrubte it.
Actually I don't believe Vivendi is getting a penny from valve for steam sales since they arent publishign the games sold on steam. They would have to complete their side of the contract which would be to actually publish the game. In other words box box art production advertisement campaign for steam. Help fudn the bandwith and so forth. Contracts go both ways and if vivivendi doesnt fill their side they dont get a penny on said copies of the game which they didnt contractually 'publish'. And vice versa

although I'm no lawyer.

Icarus around and care to speculate?
SGT Tenor said:
Get any money from sales through steam? I mean that would be a silly business contract if that was not part of it. MY bet is that allthough the rumors in a previous may or may not be true, there is reason to believe that those that buy through steam may get a chance o play before hand.

Then again there are those gamers who don't care about the multiplayer aspect and only buy the game thtough retail outlets for the single play experience. I know I did when the original came out. Although when they released team fortress My addiction to online play rose a little.

That's my opinion anyway. Let's hope it comes out as planned. Sept 30

Because I recall Valve saying they get all the money from Steam sales.
um people are talking about the steam release....if or not they make money from that. Im sure alot of us know about VU's dodgy past and money trobules
why would vivendi invest in valve if valve were making sales without them they have to get a tiny slice it would be like"give us a slice or we wont publish retail"
That's amazing. VU are losing money....they have two of the biggest developers under the their belt in Valve and Blizzard and that happens.
Yombi said:
um people are talking about the steam release....if or not they make money from that. Im sure alot of us know about VU's dodgy past and money trobules

I understand that Einstein Im just imputing this...and the fact that vivendi wont necessarily get or then again need to receive any income from steam sales.
yeah they have for awhile now. Their main guy even tried doing stuff with the finacial (sp?) records, and the Paris headquauters of VU were raided.
UndercoverBob said:
why would vivendi invest in valve if valve were making sales without them they have to get a tiny slice it would be like"give us a slice or we wont publish retail"

1. Vivendi haven't invested money in valve AFAIK. both HL1 and HL2 were entirely self funded (HL1 from gabe + co's microsoft million$ ;) )

2. if Vivendi refuse to sell retail Half Life, 1,000 other publishers would immediately fight each other for the rights to publish it. they would be quite happy to make to money from the 60%+ of HL2 sales that will be made thru stores. why shouldn't Vivendi be just as happy?
It is logical to assume that there is some sort of exclusivity agreement between vivendi and valve which ensures that valve does not sell the game to anybody else. Ie they are handing over the rights to the publisher. Selling the game on steam is breaking that agreement, so clearly there must be some sort of compensation made for every copy sold on steam as it means one less boxed version sold by vivendi.
I hope you will be liking the Activision publishing mark on VALVe games soon ;)
retrofitter said:
It is logical to assume that there is some sort of exclusivity agreement between vivendi and valve which ensures that valve does not sell the game to anybody else. Ie they are handing over the rights to the publisher. Selling the game on steam is breaking that agreement, so clearly there must be some sort of compensation made for every copy sold on steam as it means one less boxed version sold by vivendi.

so the contract will outline an exclusivity agreement but make no mention of steam??
shit sake guys think about it.

If Valve were already planning/designing Steam for a possible online release of HL2 BEFORE any contracts for publishing rights of the game were signed then it will have included VAVLES ability to sell HL2 over Steam with no money going to the publisher (VU).

The only way VU would ever get any money from Steam sales is if the contracts were signed beforfe the conception of Steam meaning there was no agreement about online sales in the contracts because Valve didn't forsee they were gonna have any. VU are gonna make an asolute forune out of HL2 box sales.... even if it accounts or just 60% of total sales.... any publisher would jump at the opportunity to take it on.
Kamakazie said:
so the contract will outline an exclusivity agreement but make no mention of steam??
shit sake guys think about it.

If Valve were already planning/designing Steam for a possible online release of HL2 BEFORE any contracts for publishing rights of the game were signed then it will have included VAVLES ability to sell HL2 over Steam with no money going to the publisher (VU).

The only way VU would ever get any money from Steam sales is if the contracts were signed beforfe the conception of Steam meaning there was no agreement about online sales in the contracts because Valve didn't forsee they were gonna have any. VU are gonna make an asolute forune out of HL2 box sales.... even if it accounts or just 60% of total sales.... any publisher would jump at the opportunity to take it on.
Ah, but you see, contracts can be renewed and resigned!!
Perhaps my post should have included "between a publisher and a developer, so in valves case"
My guess is that the contracts give Vivendi the exclusive rights to publish the retail game worldwide. This seems to be the way that those sorts of contracts go. Valve most likely would have retained the online distribution rights. Whether this was a bargaining point when the contract was drafted or just something that wasn't included in the rights given to Vivendi is anybody's guess.

Due to the common way these arrangements work, with the publisher handling most of the ad campaign for the game, I would assume that Vivendi gets some small cut of Steam sales (which still benefit from Vivendi's work) or Vivendi charges Valve a set amount for the ad campaign.

Obviously these are just guesses, but I'd like to think that they're at least educated guesses...
retrofitter said:
It is logical to assume that there is some sort of exclusivity agreement between vivendi and valve which ensures that valve does not sell the game to anybody else. Ie they are handing over the rights to the publisher. Selling the game on steam is breaking that agreement, so clearly there must be some sort of compensation made for every copy sold on steam as it means one less boxed version sold by vivendi.

Are you implying that it would be more logical to assume this or that it would be merely a logical possibility of what to assume?
no i go with Feath on this. Sierra (HL1) and VU have had a chance to fund the project, but they didn't. Publishers get exclusive rights when they give money to the game developer. Its kind of like, they are just hiring them for making the CD's, boxing and shipping (inc advertising). As for the email, try get someone like Icarus (sp?) since im sure he's more likey to get a repsone than me hehe.
so the contract will outline an exclusivity agreement but make no mention of steam??
shit sake guys think about it.

If Valve were already planning/designing Steam for a possible online release of HL2 BEFORE any contracts for publishing rights of the game were signed then it will have included VAVLES ability to sell HL2 over Steam with no money going to the publisher (VU).

The only way VU would ever get any money from Steam sales is if the contracts were signed beforfe the conception of Steam meaning there was no agreement about online sales in the contracts because Valve didn't forsee they were gonna have any. VU are gonna make an asolute forune out of HL2 box sales.... even if it accounts or just 60% of total sales.... any publisher would jump at the opportunity to take it on.

i couldn't have said it better myself. If the contract was signed before steams inception, there's is also belief that viviendi does get some slice of the pie.