Why... does... it... do... this?


Didn't Get Temp-Banned
Dec 15, 2004
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Occasionally, during HL2, the weapon category one (that is, crowbar and grav gun) will just pop out.

Occasionally during a firefight.

Which means when a combine gets up close and personal with a shotgun, i pull out a crowbar.

Not good.

Can anybody help?

/EDIT and Why did HL2 crash when i hit a turret with a harpoon?
Harpoons are strange weapons. They were never meant to be used against most enemies in the first place. (They screw up the scripting for the ant lion guard fight for one)

Check your key config for the weapon selections. It may be you keyed the weapon category to a key that you hit when you fight. Maybe it's the mousewheel, or your keyboard is acting weird?
Tried looking at defaulting your keyboard config perhaps?

And the harpoon issue, happens to everyone. Just don't do it!
No, defaulting doesn't help. and if i set to Quick Weapons it just automatically switches to the crowbar without going to the weapon select screen (and i don't like quick weapons as it is).

It's not my keyboard (or mouse) because they don't randomly hit one outside of HL2.

And why do harpoons have such screwy programming? They can't even break wooden boxes. And shouldn't they be just another physics object?