Why does it look like the hostages are like 3 ft taller than yourself?

Because swat forces hunch over for stability / aiming. Look at your teammates and you'll see what I mean.
lol i think its funny... i love shooting them and seeing the bullet holes

Some people have said, that its just that your player is hunched over, but i have no idea.. personally, its not that big of a deal. Dont be sizeist...
it is not becuase you are hunched over. itIS because the models actually are a small bit taller than you, plus the camera that you see out of is in your chest, not your head.
true, thanx....and how do you see bulletholes in the models? wtf, i cant...!?!
omg, so that is why I am looking in the water and my head is out of the water!
Valve please make the camera in the head!
Well, give us the option in CS:S
HL2-2004NOV08 said:
omg, so that is why I am looking in the water and my head is out of the water!
Valve please make the camera in the head!
Well, give us the option in CS:S

If it was at ur face, then the aiming would be er... different?