why does this happen in the UK so often?

What else is there? No point getting a job. If you get pregnant the government will pay for pretty much everything for you, like your brand new widescreen TV so you can watch Barny with your newborn (and like it), or your new car when you learn to drive.
Her 34-year-old mother, who gave birth to her youngest child eight months ago, said she was 'proud' of her daughter.

Funny thing. A while ago there was an under-age pregnancy 'crisis' in Ireland. it turned out that the under-age pregnancy rate was almost identical to the 70's. It's probably a similar thing here.
I blame catholic schools for refusing to teach contraception.
SHIPPI said:
I think it's disgusting. How can her mum be proud of her? Jesus
Her mum said: "I'm not ashamed of my daughter at all - in fact, I'm proud of her for keeping the baby.

I know she's worried what other people will say but she can walk out there with her head held high. "

Perhaps she sees it as her taking responsibility for her actions?

Although she's clearly just a whore who need to stop ****ing smoking while she's pregnant
Stories like this sadden me.

It's sad to say it, but herds of scrubbers roam our once fair isle - ****ing everything in a tracksuit and squeezing out children like they're a baby pez dispenser.
Mr Stabby said:
the UK pays people to be slobs, the joys of socialism

Its a shame. I think its time to elect a member of the SAS to be Prime Minister so we can get out of the shit hole.
Read all about this this morning in the paper...Not surprised at all, but the sheer bliss ignorance of smoking not harming the baby is shocking. I'm a smoker and if i was pregnant i wouldn't smoke during pregnancy...but i'm a lad so that'll never happen :P
That girl will probably be a grandmother at the age of 22.

Funny how different some people's lives turn out. She had a baby at the age of eleven while I'm almost 21 and haven't given any thought of getting a baby yet, let alone a relationship lol.. :P

I'm sure the "father" had everything planned out for starting a family...:rolleyes:
Great going there kid. I'm sure the child is gonna have one helluva time growing up with such a young mother, if it manages to be born at all.

Thank you and goodnight, you crazy world.
Ikerous said:
... John Freeman?

[Doctor 1]'He knows too much, enter him into the Recoil project
[Doctor 2]'But sir..he'll never survive!'
[Doctor 1]'Do it, the Administrator has authorised it'
I'm not sure how to answer this.

Must point out England is a country that's possibily facing a crysis due to a drop in birth rate vs an increase in life expetancy, hell retirement age has already increase, with expected rises.

Of course an 11 year old is far too young, she never gave herself a chance at life, but it's her life and who are we to be judgemental?

I guess in 10-11 years time when she'll be 21 (which is alarmingly younger than me) and her baby is 11 we'd be able to see if she'd managed to give her child a decent shot at life.

Sadly Nobody will care in 2 weeks about this girl, let a lone 10 years.
The side effect of the UK's system of aiding mothers is that only the poor (respectively) and teenage class will have an increase in population. Of course, that will mean more cheap uneducated labor forces, but they'll still get money from the goverment, despite them not working.
That's f*cking awful. I was in 6th grade at 11- life was good. That girl's childhood will end before she even becomes a teenager. And her mother is proud of her? Despicable. She (the mother) should be shot. I mean, honestly. I'm a big preacher of sexual liberation (and a practicer as well :naughty:) but 11 is... f*cked up. Beyond f*cked up.

It's shit like this that makes me jealous of hermits :|
Am I the only one who thinks that if she's determined to keep the baby she should stop smoking pronto?
I thought you said "Should start smoking potatoe" when I read that post the first time. :|
Danimal said:
I thought you said "Should start smoking potatoe" when I read that post the first time. :|
Uh yeah, that's the first thing I thought about typing as well but then I changed my mind.
Murray said:
Am I the only one who thinks that if she's determined to keep the baby she should stop smoking pronto?
nope, I concur

as for the potatoe thing, same here :laugh:
Spicy Tuna said:
why do young girls get pregnat in the UK so often?
Im not saying this only happens in the UK...
No, 'tis true that we have the highest teenage poregnancy rate in the EU. Now there's something to be proud of, eh Britannia?

As for reasons?
Stereotypically prudish attitudes to sex can be seen as partially to blame. The Dutch are infamously open about sex and they have one of the lowest teenage pregnancy rates in the EU (as far as I am aware). If you're less open about these things, people get more curious, plus when it's more taboo, of course kids are going to go for it.
However things in Britain regarding sex education etc. have been steadily improving and we are, as a nation, becoming far less stuffy about it as past generations have been. These are steps in the right direction.
el Chi said:
No, 'tis true that we have the highest teenage poregnancy rate in the EU. Now there's something to be proud of, eh Britannia?

As for reasons?
Stereotypically prudish attitudes to sex can be seen as partially to blame. The Dutch are infamously open about sex and they have one of the lowest teenage pregnancy rates in the EU (as far as I am aware). If you're less open about these things, people get more curious, plus when it's more taboo, of course kids are going to go for it.
However things in Britain regarding sex education etc. have been steadily improving and we are, as a nation, becoming far less stuffy about it as past generations have been. These are steps in the right direction.

Many nations of the developed world, such as the UK, have 2 problems:

#1. The increase of teenage/single/poor mothers who leach off the nation's taxes.

#2. The lack of a labor force, mostly uneducated (semi).

Now, sex education will lower the teenage birth rates, but also the labor force. A step in the other direction, such as actually encouraging them to have sex will make people leach even more, not to mention the somewhat moralistic consequences.

And there you go, you have your cheap labor of "pakis", in which they are said to steal jobs, but there is no one to steal it from.

I have no idea what i just said.
She should stop smoking if she wants to have the baby, and if she won't her retarded mom should slap some sense into her while she is still young. Chances of this happening are low though. The only person I feel sorry for is the kid. He is going to be a mess.