Why does VALVe allow Steam cracks to work?



During the last few years, I have encountered at least 9 cracked versions of Steam. The most useful part of the cracks I have seen is that they allow you to download games directly from Steam content servers, with a blank account, or with no account at all. In cracked versions of Steam, you simply pick a game in the "my games" list, right click, and install whatever game you want, without paying, from the Steam servers.

Then, after the game has been downloaded, it can be launched using the cracked client or one of the many Steam game cache file launchers out there, and then you can play online with it. (Not on VAC2 servers; unsecured, cracked servers only)

This is a huge problem, but it could be fixed very easily. Here's my idea:
Right now, Steam relies partially on the client-side version of Steam to check if the steam account owns the game. (I believe the function is called SteamIsAppSubscribed?) This should be eliminated. All verification should be done at the Steam servers themselves, not on the client side software, which can be cracked! The easy and permanent fix for this problem is:
If someone wants to download a game, a message is sent to the Steam servers requesting "I want to download the game _______." The Steam servers reply, "Ok, send your username and password (encrypted, of course) so we can verify if you actually own the game." I think the encrypted password is stored in either the clientregistry.blob file or Steam's memory, so the user would not have to enter username and password (to decrease inconvenience). Then, the once the Steam servers have recieved the information, they check to see of that account has the correct password, and then checks if the account owns the game. If the request is valid, Steam creates the cache files and starts to download; if it isn't valid, Steam breaks the connection. This download request should have to be done everytime the user logs into Steam, to make sure the downloads are legitimate.

This is a very basic idea. VALVe, why do you allow Steam cracks to work? Do you simply just not care? I am very surprised you have not fixed this yet. It will not hinder the legitimate game community in any way. It seems that although the Steam idea was created to stop piracy, it has actually supported more piracy. I heard somewhere that VALVe wants Steam to make game distribution easier for game developers, and doesn't care at all about people trying to crack it. Is this true? Or maybe you just care about your cafe system for revenue? Come on, VALVe! It's not that hard! You are supporting cracks of your own product by continuing to allow insecure downloading!
Or perhaps this is the reason:
Those who use Steam cracks know that you can download and play most multiplayer games, but you can't download any single player games. For instance:
Counter Strike but not Half Life
Half Life 2 Deathmatch but not Half Life 2
Dark Messiah multiplayer but not singleplayer
Get the idea? After a few months of being annoyed at the non-VAC2 hackers, as well with the Steam servers being down multiple times each month, you get mad and buy the legitimate game. Is this why?

What do other people think about this?
At this current time you cannot download games on Steam servers with a cracked client. Nor can you play any of the games online on VAC servers.
At this current time you cannot download games on Steam servers with a cracked client. Nor can you play any of the games online on VAC servers.

Yes, you can! I have never done it myself, but I've seen others do it often. It was working yesterday, at least. I could name what they used, but I don't want to break any forum rules. But you are correct, you can't play on VAC2 servers; cracked servers only.
Wouldn't your idea **** up the offline mode? As if it works well anyway, but that's beside the point. I see where you're getting at, but still, nothing can be crack free. You just gotta roll with it.
What's to break? I thought you only had to be online once to verify your licence key and then you can play offline as much as you like, right?
Cracked clients can only play on VAC secured servers when they are down for maintenance, which is almost never.
VALVe has pretty much fixed cafe accounts and their problems, which once allowed anyone to just log in to the account and play on secured servers, and there's almost no way around it unless you have a legit certificate on your computer, which is very hard to do. Either way it's still bypassable.

I think VALVe is doing the best they can, and as far as I've read, some major people have left the cracking community because of lame repackers taking all the glory. So it's slowly crumbling apart as I can tell.

EDIT: Oh and your statement; "It seems that although the Steam idea was created to stop piracy, it has actually supported more piracy." is so false. I don't think you have a grasp of the ratio of working steam games to any other working cracked game. It's incredibly small. For one, you need to be half computer litterate to be able to install half the cracks floating around, and then they'll need constant updating with every steam platform update (which takes a while considering these crackers aren't doing it for a living), and the amount of problems most people playing cracked copies of hl2 have, it really makes you glad that we DO have steam to make their lives harder.
I know my stuff when it comes to cracking :p

;) Yeah, I do think Valve are doing the best to fight cracks and such, though. They have the right idea.

Though I'm not against pirating games. I always hated buying a game, them it sucking ass, then me just forgetting about it, whoops, waste of money. I download the game, and if I love it, I buy it. There have been lots of times I've done that, Need For Speed: Most Wanted was one. Age of Empires 3 was another...I use downloading the games and playing them a way of testing to see if I'll like 'em.
I think VALVe is doing the best they can, and as far as I've read, some major people have left the cracking community because of lame repackers taking all the glory. So it's slowly crumbling apart as I can tell.
Yes, there is a lot of conflict between the crackers and repackers (PaCmAn), etc, but there are still many, many actual crackers who help and support each other. There will always be those trying to crack Steam.

Oh and your statement; "It seems that although the Steam idea was created to stop piracy, it has actually supported more piracy." is so false. I don't think you have a grasp of the ratio of working steam games to any other working cracked game. It's incredibly small. For one, you need to be half computer litterate to be able to install half the cracks floating around,

Do you know how hard it is to get a cracked game (any cracked game) that you can trust? Anyone with even a basic knowledge of computers and the internet is very wary of downloading anything. Of course you could trust a web site such as cnn.com or firefox.org to download something, but you wouldn't entirely trust [insert warez site here]. It takes time and luck to find a crack for the specific game you're looking for. However, with Steam cracks, you just have to install Steam, copy the crack into the Steam folder, download, and play. But there are a lot of maintenance issues.

and then they'll need constant updating with every steam platform update (which takes a while considering these crackers aren't doing it for a living), and the amount of problems most people playing cracked copies of hl2 have, it really makes you glad that we DO have steam to make their lives harder.

There are some problems with keeping the cracked client working because of Steam updates, but patches are always released very soon after the update. I know that cIntX has released patches for Steam on the same day the update was released, for the last few updates. It never takes more than a couple of days.

As for all of these problems with cracked clients, I'm wondering if VALVe actually wants people to use them. You can download a game and have it work somewhat, but be very buggy. And then the whole thing stops working as soon as a new update is released. After a few cycles of this, you get mad and buy the game, giving VALVe business. It's kind of like a full game trial, with lots of bugs but no time limit, which you can upgrade to a working version for some money. Besides, VALVe isn't being hurt at all in terms of buisness because of those who aren't legit. It's like an advertising system.

Right....so you've seen it done but never done it yourself? Why does this smell like a big bunch of bs??? :rolleyes:

I don't do it myself because VALVe can log who is downloading what, and since I use my legit account on my home compter, I don't want to risk it (or my IP) being VAC banned or disabled.
It's kind of like a full game trial, with lots of bugs but no time limit, which you can upgrade to a working version for some money. Besides, VALVe isn't being hurt at all in terms of buisness because of those who aren't legit. It's like an advertising system.
Umm. I guess :p

But only being able to play MP games must suck big time :|
However, with Steam cracks, you just have to install Steam, copy the crack into the Steam folder, download, and play. But there are a lot of maintenance issues.
I'm sure it's just as easy to pack a virus in with a steam crack as it is with any other crack.. The only difference is usually the community admins check over the files themselves before they say it's all clear. If warez sites did that then other illegal torrents would be safe too.

As for all of these problems with cracked clients, I'm wondering if VALVe actually wants people to use them. You can download a game and have it work somewhat, but be very buggy.
Actually, I'm pretty sure they don't. Hence the reason they're always trying to update their software to be more secure.
That's like saying VALVe actually likes cheaters because eventually they'll be banned and have to buy another game. While VALVe may actually LIKE this extra revenue, I don't think they purposfully allow the people who make cracks and hacks alike to carry on destroying their customer-base.
Still, think about my download verification idea from my first post. It's cheap, easy to implement, and would permanently stop illigal versions of Steam from downloading from VALVe's own content servers.
Still, think about my download verification idea from my first post. It's cheap, easy to implement, and would permanently stop illigal versions of Steam from downloading from VALVe's own content servers.
Yeah that is a fairly good idea, I guess. But then there's still torrenting to think about. The steam client is free, as are accounts. All you then need to do is get the GCFs from where ever. I really don't know how VALVe could stay ahead of the curve. Essentially what these teams have already done is create a seperate steam-based client. All they use steam for is a base to extract the GCF content (which isn't even needed since you have extracted non-steam installs). Your idea, while a good one, is just another staller.