Why I love Steam


Jul 26, 2005
Reaction score
Playing Battlefield 2 made me realize how much I love steam. Its very fast when browsing servers, it automatically updates my Games without having to wait in line. It gives me updates on new content and downloads at the full speed of your connection.... unless you connection is insanely fast.

I WUV YOU STEAM :naughty:
That's funny, because I was pwning in cs 1.6 the other day with a sweet score, when I changed my gamma settings and steam made me recconect to the server. That made me realize how much I hate steam. :flame:
I have never had a problem with steam. However my brother was downloading HL2 before and he shutdown his computer at 80% done and when the download finaly finished it wouldn't play at all. Sucks to be him :cheese:
Teta_Bonita said:
That's funny, because I was pwning in cs 1.6 the other day with a sweet score, when I changed my gamma settings and steam made me recconect to the server. That made me realize how much I hate steam. :flame:
Yes, that is funny... because in BF2 there isn't even a gamma setting, period... and you can't change video settings while in a game either... so, that makes it worse how? Also, I don't know what caused your problem... but it's not Steam that dictates whether or not changing a setting should make you have to reconnect to the server. It's either that specific game or the engine itself. That would be like me saying I hate steam because HL2 had a cliffhanger ending... they aren't related.
I agree, the bf2 server browser is just a laggy son of a bitch :(
Steam sucks.

BF2 server browser sucks.

Steam = BF2 server browser.
My only problem with Steam is the fact that my connection speed sucks ass. It takes ages to download updates.
ríomhaire said:
My only problem with Steam is the fact that my connection speed sucks ass. It takes ages to download updates.

For me,

A 10 minute download (mines 100mbps VDSL) needs 50 minutes to download on steam.
OCybrManO said:
I don't know what caused your problem... but it's not Steam that dictates whether or not changing a setting should make you have to reconnect to the server. It's either that specific game or the engine itself. That would be like me saying I hate steam because HL2 had a cliffhanger ending... they aren't related.
woa there, don't get yer panties all up in a bunch! :p
IIRC, before steam you could change your gamma settings without having to recconect. So it's not an engine problem, it's a steam problem. Now don't get me wrong, steam does have some cool features, (autoupdate, and uhh.... autoupdate :angel:) but it's kind of a letdown.
Teta_Bonita said:
woa there, don't get yer panties all up in a bunch! :p
IIRC, before steam you could change your graphics settings without having to recconect. So it's not an engine problem, it's a steam problem. Now don't get me wrong, steam does have some cool features, (autoupdate, and uhh.... autoupdate :angel:) but it's kind of a letdown.

Nope.. or at least not in the WON version of DoD or HL.
Teta_Bonita said:
woa there, don't get yer panties all up in a bunch! :p
IIRC, before steam you could change your graphics settings without having to recconect. So it's not an engine problem, it's a steam problem. Now don't get me wrong, steam does have some cool features, (autoupdate, and uhh.... autoupdate :angel:) but it's kind of a letdown.
I don't remember playing a game on the old WON system and being able to change video settings and NOT having to restart the game. It's the Engine T. Go play CSS and you can change your res/everything without having to restart the game. It does it automatically. NOTE that it is still on Steam right? Right. KK tnx 1-0 no renub

I love steam too. I mean, the server browser is pretty godly. It updates Hella fast, and it does what I need it to do. Steam auto-updates, manages my games in a nice little window, is easy for mods to be installed, etc. Steam is just the perfect program in my eyes. <3 Steam4Evar.
Hrmmm, as soon as steam is mentioned the same group of steam haters will come invade the topic.