Why I think hl2 takes place where I live :)



I originally posted on hl2fallout but thought that those who are not visiting hl2fallout forum might be interested.. If you find this thread off-topic - mods please move it where it should be in your opinion.

I've been watching alot of hl2 media and I have to tell you something. Every time I look at them I think - geez it all takes place here! I'd like to show you some pictures of the area that I live in. And I live in Silesia, Poland.

There are 2 types of buildings that we have here. Some old architecture which managed to 'survive' World War II somehow and post-socialist blocks of flats. Also, I'll mention (and show!) some some industrial terrains in my city.

Let me begin with the old architecture. Look at this screenshots and note the buildings, lots of wires and the whole "look and feel" of them.


Now, here are some photos:

Let's proceed to some blocks of flats.. Here are the screens - note the buildings in backround:
and the building on the left:

Now take a look at some real stuff (I live in similiar building):

As for me - it all looks MUCH like in game..

Finally, let me show you some industry facilities (all still in the same city!)

I couldn't find photos of some rail stations but believe me - these also look very similiar!

Based on what I saw - hl2 looks like area where i live ~6 years ago. Look how VALVe managed to give the look and feel of central/eastern europe! These textures, this level design.. I know one thing - I'll play THE GAME over and over..

If u think that hl2 takes place somewhere else - give me some photos :cheers:
Shit, you live in City 17 ..

From looking at the pictures, I find a lot of similarities between your town in Poland and City 17. Cool :) Say hello to the G-Man if you meet him down on the corner.
Ecthe|ioN said:
Shit, you live in City 17 ..

From looking at the pictures, I find a lot of similarities between your town in Poland and City 17. Cool :) Say hello to the G-Man if you meet him down on the corner.

Sure, I will. Hope i won't meet combine though :p
Its already been said somewhere (officially I believe) that City 17 is based around a European City. Nice comparison's though. :)
Kiwwa said:
Its already been said somewhere (officially I believe) that City 17 is based around a European City. Nice comparison's though. :)
Check out the map. Poland is in central europe - just where City 17 is supposed to be :naughty:
nice pics, i love peoples ideas about where everything is, yours might be true!!

the rumors and specs forums are always fun
ya, id say you live in city 17, or pretty darn near it...

that second to last pic looks like a location in the wasteland, and does it have lots of water around it or is it in more the middle of things?
Hyperion2010 said:
that second to last pic looks like a location in the wasteland, and does it have lots of water around it or is it in more the middle of things?
It's like 20 minutes walk from where I live and I live ~15km from the city centre.

There's a lot of water - it's not natural, rather it's water that was used in power plant and then pumped into this water reservoir.
ah i see, i think that valve did alot of their research in your area, and i must say that they did a very good job at it, i wonder if they will release their research notes... nice thread btw
you can definately tell that they based many of the locations in city 17 around that area :)
the buildings DO look similar.
when the combine take over, be sure to tell us before they take away your internet connection/money/house/freedom :)
There's evidence which suggests that City 17 takes place somewhere in Ukraine, possibly near Odessa. But it's Eastern Europe nonetheless.
it still needs to be somewhere,
....or it could be on a magic floating peice of space rock near xen!
I wonder if they travelled to Europe like GSC Game World did to Chernobyl. I'm sure both of those holidays would've been fun.
when the GSC gameworld crew start growing extra limbs.. you know why
Well I wouldn't like to go to Chernobyl anyway! The radiation is still very high there. Besides you need special pass to get there so even if you'd like to - it'd cost a lot to get one..

And of course I realise that valve made City 17 up but still the architecture gives strong resemblance to area where I live. I just wanted to tell you guys that there are places like the ones that you see on screenshots and that valve did extremely good job on game design.

Wait, what's that sound? Why someone would speak metalic-english here? It's safer here what? I'll go check it out..
neptuneuk said:
when the GSC gameworld crew start growing extra limbs.. you know why
With extra arms they should be able to finish the game quicker!
Hehe.. scary shit :)
perhaps they chose your town for building the locations of hl2.. who knows...