Why is everyone jealous?

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of the U.S? Just because there country sucks(canada, france) its no reason to blame the U.S.
nicknitro said:
of the U.S? Just because there country sucks(canada, france) its no reason to blame the U.S.

... "One should never generalise"

I don't blame the US for anything. I am, however, not happy with some of their decisions.

And I am certainly not Jealous of them.
Oh, dont start.........we all know what threads like this turn out like.
They are jealous because America is the land of liberty, justice and freedom and they are heathen mongerals.
We're jealous because America has brilliant people like you living there :|
gh0st I hope youre being sarcastic...
nicknitro I hope youre being banned as I type this...or are already banned...
bliink or someone I hope youre about to close this thread right after this post...
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