Why is global warming the only discussed issue?


Aug 6, 2004
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What about air pollution, ocean, rivers and soil chemization,...?

what about these issues? edible marine life is about to go extinct in 40 years. Few drinkable water, destruction of ecosystems (rainforest's).
Intoxication with heavy metals,...

there are tons of more threatening short term issues that get no media attention.

an interesting note my microbiology professor told us...in the Great lakes in the US there are very, very few left species because of a mollusk that came form the Caspian sea in the ballast water from ships.

most people don't even realize what kind of dangers are there more threatening than global warming!
i'd rather live in the cold/warm than live in a swamp saturated with toxic waste, acids, heavy metals,...

barely anyone talks about the insect infestation we're going to face due to warming. diseases everywhere folks! think about it

here are some topics to talk about if you are too lost:




and millions more. there are so many things that will kill you before global warming even farts in your direction (hmm...weird phrase?!)
YES, I believe air pollution and preservation of endangered species is a far more important thing :)
i guess people don't like to talk about things that are fact, documented, studied,...

i think global warming is more open to speculation and thus more interesting...

apparently we'll have to wait untill mister mercury, lead or arsenic knocks on their door and/or ms. sulphuric acid cleans their car.
Reminds me of South Park -

Older man: [through a bullhorn] Work! Work, children! We only have two more days until Earth Day! Work!

Clyde: Ah, excuse me? My daddy is a geologist and he says there actually isn't any concrete evidence of global warming.

Older man - That's not true. <does the Jedi mind trick with his hand> Global warming is going to kill us all. The Republicans are responsible.
Reason is, global warming is... global, not regional. Global. Whole earth. OH****.
Reason is, global warming is... global, not regional. Global. Whole earth. OH****.


air pollution
ocean chemization

is not global?

maybe you don't know but everything on earth is somehow connected.

do you know where we get all the O2 to breathe? forests?...WRONG...we get most of our air from the thin (200m) layer of ocean where Cyanobacteria resides and photosynthesizes most of the O2 we breathe. and let me tell you that this bacteria is slowly dieing because of human cause.

i'm sensing that lot's of people (even here) don't know shit about our world (i don't fully understand it too, but nobody does) so please don't think that one thing is more important than the other.

ever been on a landfill? even at my local landfill we receive 500 tons of solid waste daily. i'd don't want to even imagine what the numbers are in the US.
what do you think comes out of a land fill? nothing?...WRONG...polluted water that slowly drains into (possibly) nearby drinkable water reserves. AND...yep...good old methane, the infamous green house gas.
now what happens if this gas is not recovered? yup it goes in the atmosphere.

so think twice when you talk about global warming!
Well, thanks to all you polluters out there, over here in NZ - where the O-Zone hole you are all making is by the way - it now takes an average of 11 minutes to get sunburned here, according to the daily burn index. So thanks a lot. And the hole is quite large this year apparently, so that time might be less this year. And yes, it is summer here right now.

Guess what else? About 1 month ago, as our summer was about to start, a few huge chunks broke off from Antarctica, and floated up past NZ. They were visible from the coast. People were hiring helicopters to fly them over the icebergs, and one couple got married on one.

Links for proof:


And here

Our winters are getting much colder and windier too, by the way, thanks for asking. The extreme weather patterns are here, and getting worse.
Don't fret about Global warming...look on the bright side and buy a nice new shiny car with a V12 engine that can waste an entire gas tank in 2 hours. You'll forget all about the global warming once you put your foot down on that pedal.
If I could, I would. It would be priceless to know how much it pisses them off when their work actually has the opposite effect. Kind of like the PETA. When you see one of those holier-than-thou vegetarians, tell them that you will eat an extra amount of meat because of them.
Humans should probably just become extinct to make the universe a better place. I say yes to global warming, and yes to air pollution.
Well, we could all open our refrigerators/freezers at once. But no, the global warming is coming! We didn't listen! WE.. DIDN'T.... LISTEN!!!!
Well...air pollution IS the cause of global warming.
I'm more worried about Romulan double agents infiltrating starfleet.