Why is he posting a thread on something so bloody old?


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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I have known aboue uncycilpedia for a while but I never realised how f*cking funny it was until now. Anyone who hasn't looked at it just read random pages, it's bloodly gold.

"This article may be Overly British. Americans may not understand humour, only humor. Don't change a thing to remedy this."


Some are funny, some are just plain stupid. Search the Catcher in the Rye one, if you've read the book, you'll get it. And the biography of Neutral Milk Hotel is a good one too.
From The Worst Computer Games of all time:

112. Operation Flashpoint (Behemothic Interactive, 2002)
The game realy never gained any fame since it consisted of several people running around and flashing each other with cheap digital cameras at certain points.

uncyclopedia is proof that people on the internet have WAY too much time on their hands.
"George Bush doesn't know about Wikipedia."

~ Kanye West on Wikipedia

"I don't even know how to spell Wikipedia."

~ George Bush on Wikipedia

"It makes our children want to have sex with hookers and shoot people"

~ Jack Thompson
CrazyHarij said:
uncyclopedia is proof that people on the internet have WAY too much time on their hands.
Indeed, I'm half ashamed for adding my own paragraph.
Key Facts and Figures

Sean Connery, spiritual leader of Iran.
Capital - Theeeeeeeeran (no, not a typo)
Currency - Jug of cider (1 jug = 4 cups)
Average Annual Rainfall - 1mm
Land area - 102 hectares (40 acres + mule)
Gravity: 9.2 G
Highest point 5000m (18 furlongs)
Value of Pi - 3.5
Population= 11% true believers, 89% infidels
Average IQ of the supreme leader 66.6
Favourite color - usually red with small black dots
National Villain - Nelson Mandelinguini
National Defender - Captain Israelite
lol :D

Shotgun that shoots shotguns

This weapon appears to be a shotgun. It looks like a shotgun, sounds like a shotgun, feels like a shotgun, smells like a shotgun, and tastes like a shotgun. However, when fired, it shoots a spread-fire shot of more shotguns, which in turn, shoot shotgun shells. If the shotgun is loaded with a slug as opposed to a buckshot shell, it shoots a shotgun larger than the original shotgun, which in turn shoots a single bullet, the size of a house.

I love how he put the 'everything is fine, nothing is ruined' error in there. From Strong Bad! :D
Korea is run by numerous political parties all dead set on destroying one another. All compete in the K1 Martial Arts Tournament and are trained in thousands of forms of armed and unarmed combat. Legal proceedings, legislative tasks, and other related matters all take place in an octagonal ring bedecked with razor wire and Punji Stakes. Siberian Tigers are used in the case of a deadlock, or revote due to executive veto.

Many citizens of Korea view these government proceedings as barbaric, and primitive. They express their displeasure for the administration by throwing rocks at riot cops and blaming Gen. McArthur, President George W. Bush, and Mickey Rourke for all worldy problems. It is estimated that such demonstrators and law enforcement clash 50 times a year - or every Tuesday to be specific.

Korean citizens are required by law (according to the Total Security Act for Patriotic Self-Defense) to hate Japan and its people. This is largely due to World War IV, which no Westerners seem to remember, but all Chinese and Koreans vividly do. The rape, pillage, and overall decimation of Korea (as well as neighboring China, Philippines, and other East/Southeast Asian countries) by the Imperial Japanese Army (headed by Emperor Voltron Hitler) , and the ill-conceived Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere (EACS) are the sources of the hatred. The Japanese Administration's official stance on the matter: "It wasn't even a big deal anyway, you babies. **** y'all, lol." Many East Asian countries reacted badly to such remarks; North Korea kidnapped Japanese citizens while China beat up the Japanese Royal Family's prince. In response to this, South Korea takes Japan's money, which primarily arrives in the form of Japanese tourists, who are all completely ignorant and do not understand the irony of taking photos of historical monuments that were rebuilt after incineration by...the Imperial Japanese Army).

Thats actually true though. :laugh:

Miguk-saram-deul (미국사람들) - devils from the lowermost circle of hell, adjacent to Canada



Captain Obvious

Captain Obvious is a superhero. That is, he is a guy who fights bad guys, supervillains, and evil-doers. The name "Captain" is purely symbolic. Captain Obvious does not hold the rank of Captain in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Marines, or any Police or Fire Department. Nor is he licensed to fly commercial or cargo aircraft or pilot fishing vessels or cargo vessels.

His main rival is Professor Subtle against whom he battles in many comic book and television episodes but never fails to return in the next episode. This could be because Captain Obvious has failed to apprehend or destroy Professor Subtle in any way.

His symbol is a large "O". The "O" stands for "Obvious", rather than "Oklahoma", "Orange", "Ombudsman" or any number of other words which begin with an "O".

Captain Obvious is not to be confused with Mr. Obvious, who simply happens to have Obvious as a family name, as Captain Obvious pointed out in page 12 of his autobiography:

"Mr. Obvious has Obvious as a last name."

~ Captain Obvious on Mr. Obvious

Mr. Obvious verified this in his own autobiography where in page 47 he writes:

"Yes... my name is Mr. Obvious"

~ Mr. Obvious on His Name

Nor is Captain Obvious to be confused with Captain Oblivious, his twin brother.

"Yeah. Uhuh. Who..wha? "

~ Captain Oblivious on Captain Obvious

"All I do is remind people of what they really ought to know by now."

~ Captain Obvious on Captain Obvious

All the featured articles are good. Like the War on Terra, I ****ing Hate the Bermuda Triangle ('The Bermuda Triangle may even be a pyramid scheme'), and Sexual Inneundo. Even UnNews is good, too... see Osama Bin Ladin or Nigerean Census.

It's blocked at school, though. So gay.

Roughly translated:
The AAAAAAAAAAA! article managed to snatch article of the year for the second year running! It's so well written.
Tuberculosis Smoothies

For the longest time the recipe for a tuberculosis smoothie was an ancient Chinese secret, but recently, Martha Stewart has shared the recipe with the world on her show. How that damn round-eye got a hold of the recipe is unknown.

* 1 banana
* 2 to 3 large handfuls of chosen fruit
* Approximately 1 pint glass ice
* 1/2 pint heavy cream
* 3.5 billion Tuberculosis Bacteria

Place fruit and bacteria in blender and mix on medium for 30 seconds. Next, add ice cream and pulse blender. Finally, add the ice and pulse until desired consistency reached. Serves two.