Why is it working for everyone else?


Dec 8, 2004
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The subdivide tool that is. Everytime I try to use it, it just mashes all the brushes together and makes some kind of weird art thinger. After trying a million diff. ways it didn't work, so I went online and found a tut, but I already tried the way it said and of course, it didn't work either. I'm trying to make a cliff nice and curvy at the top so it doesen't look squared off.

Oh and this is for HL2DM.
Subdivide blends all sides together, so if you have all 6 sides of a cube with displacement terrain and select them all to subdevide you get some sphereish structure.

Try subdividing in steps of 2 faces at a time
seeing the orriginal stucture before subdevide might help us help you too ;)
You should only have one brush selected when you use the tool or, like you said, it will try blending two together.

Still don't understand what your trying to accomplish though.
I'm trying to blend two together actually. See this. Look at the cliff outside and how it is smooth at the top instead of squared. I want something like that without using paint geometry.
Oh well then in that case your not really subdividing, your just doing vertex manipulations. So just select one point move it into place and go to the next one. Thats the only way I can think of recreating that using verticies. You'd still have to select just one brush.
Actually, you can select several brushes, by shift-left holding and selecting. I might be wrong about shift but there is a keystroke to select more vertexes at one instance. I believe it wasmentioned over at www.snarkpit.com, in their tutorial sections on architexture if I'm not entirely mistaken. Might be interlopers.net too.

Edit: While we're on the subdivide subject, I'm having some serious trouble with it. Observe the before picture;

This is my to be cave. There are 3 exits, where I am to place doors in the near future. When I subdivide (THE INNER SURFACES, I'm not a g00n), I end up with this rather unpolisihed structure;


Note: All surfaces are displacementmaps. When I subdivide I select all sides but the floors (A total of 4 brushfaces, or displacementmaps if you will). The cave itself looks good but it connects like shit to the doors (Doorway/exitcaves). Also, all sides are connected side to side, for the sewtool to be able to work (When subdividing).

Any help would be appriciated.
You have way to many faces with a displacement on it, just apply a displacement to the faces you need
(or at least select only the faces u want to subdivide when using subdivide)
I used 3 shapes to create the effect, for what u want to do, the simple square is probebly the best solution anyway. Why make it complex if it can be done easy :).

After subdividing you see the corners are not rounded.
you could have also made the sides a displacement and subdivide, but if not visible, you can just edit the displacements manually to a better look.

(I used the aplhapaint to paint some grass to look better in both images.)

These were rough draws, takes some time to create a better result while manual editing but its good enough as example ;)
I know I can do it with the paint geometry tool but i know you can do it with the subdivide also. It is just outside faces.
you have too many faces selected. When you do cliffs or mountains you dont want the whole brush selected. notice in this pic, how there are 4 faces showing on the outside? that will create problems. It put displacements on all sides of the brush, where you want only one. This pic shows the right way. After making your two brushed mitre the corners together so that the top face of the upper brush and the outfacing side of the lower brush touch. Then, using the texture tool, select only these faces (as shown in pick). If you put the displacement on here, you should get what you want. Then use noise and painting geometry to get the realistic cliff look. Hope it helps.
Dead Inside,

Subdivide tool is not perfect, you will always have to manaully improve things to make it look right, especially if its a more complicated room like that one :-)

Used subdivide once on some complicated stuff and it took a half hour of processing, and the result was something i could not use at all :-)
I find that subdivide is only good for making messes, litterally. I've used it to make those big piles of rubble.
Bluestrike said:
Dead Inside,

Subdivide tool is not perfect, you will always have to manaully improve things to make it look right, especially if its a more complicated room like that one :-)

Used subdivide once on some complicated stuff and it took a half hour of processing, and the result was something i could not use at all :-)

Thanks but... I can't do that room by hand, and if I create "some parts" by subdividing I can't piece them all together. If I subdivide it all (Like in the pic) I can't, at least I don't believe I can, restore it to funtional working order.

There must be some way I can make it look like a cave without spending 4 days on it..?!
I think you have to chop the roof into pieces because it doesn't follow the rules of connecting displacements like sharing the same edges

But then you would also have to chop the walls oposite of the doors into same sizes.
Valve probebly didn't have those types of caves in mind when creating the displacements.