why is my battlefield 2 doing this?


Jun 28, 2004
Reaction score
Whenever i double click the icon, the battlefield 2 thing comes up but then goes away and does not take me into the game. Usually it works after the 2nd or third try but lately it hasnt.

Also when im playing the game sometimes just freezes on me.
Your game is probably delayed on openning but I bet since you clicked it more than once...more than one instance of it is open at the same time. lol
Close it in the task manager and try again.
well this is pretty much it i reckon


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It's happened to me a couple of times. A system restore took care of it.
I've opened a PDF from a website and have it take forever to open. Closed the web browser and then 8hrs later in the day when I'm playing WoW or BF2 have my ping start to spike and game freese. Close that only to find that the adobe acrobat reader plugin gave me an error...

Anyway, does your CDrom take a while to load up? Do you use a nocd patch? Maybe that would help with the delay loading. I'm not really sure what would fix it but you shouldn't have to double-click on the icon more than once. If you did double click on it multiple times I would expect multiple instances of the game to be open.