Why is the community so retarded?



Anyone who doesn't like HL2 or critizes it in ANY WAY is immediately labeled as a Halo 2 fanboy, a newbie, a dumbass, an idiot, an asshole or whatever. The typical fanboy likes to think that Half-Life 2 is the best game ever made by man, and perfectly flawless. The story was bland? You're a dumbass, it's all going to be explained in Half-Life 3. There's a bug? ****ing mother****er, your computer sucks. It's difficult? Goddamn newbie, go suck your dad's cock. It's too easy? Play on hard, shitbrain, that's what Valve had in mind (or not). No answers are given to anything? You're a newbie because you don't understand that Half-Life 3 will explain everything and you have to use your imagination (to fill in the gaps between... the gaps).

And so on.

When Gamespot released their review of Half-Life 2, someone made an angry thread about it every five minutes. No one who attacked Gamespot had even played the game. Despite that, they were 100% positively sure that Half-Life 2 is flawless and perfect.

I liked Half-Life 2, but I'm old enough to be critical about it.
I agree with you Spartan but you don't need to be so insulting hehe. There's one thing you have to realize though, it's not just this community but every gaming community on the net; you have to admit that video games are aimed at a particular demographic, and in that population there are a lot of people who will act like jackasses just because they're anonymous.
Spartan said:
Anyone who doesn't like HL2 or critizes it in ANY WAY is immediately labeled as a Halo 2 fanboy, a newbie, a dumbass, an idiot, an asshole or whatever. The typical fanboy likes to think that Half-Life 2 is the best game ever made by man, and perfectly flawless. The story was bland? You're a dumbass, it's all going to be explained in Half-Life 3. There's a bug? ****ing mother****er, your computer sucks. It's difficult? Goddamn newbie, go suck your dad's cock. It's too easy? Play on hard, shitbrain, that's what Valve had in mind (or not). No answers are given to anything? You're a newbie because you don't understand that Half-Life 3 will explain everything and you have to use your imagination (to fill in the gaps between... the gaps).

And so on.

When Gamespot released their review of Half-Life 2, someone made an angry thread about it every five minutes. No one who attacked Gamespot had even played the game. Despite that, they were 100% positively sure that Half-Life 2 is flawless and perfect.

I liked Half-Life 2, but I'm old enough to be critical about it.

And your point is...?

Plus I think you'll find that people are insulted when they come on here and posts something along the lines of "HL2 sucks" because it blatantly doesn't suck, and you have to admit that even if it's not your cup of tea and 2) They're just being a troll, this is a HL2 community so most of us obviously are going to like HL2. If you posted something over at the Halo 2 forums since you used the example, and said something alone the lines of "OmgZ0rz! HALO 2's graphics sux!!111one" I'm sure your thread would be responded to equally harshly.

It's OK to be critical, in a constructive manner, i.e. suggesting ways the game could have been improved, thus giving the good and bad points about the game, and then there're just mindless threads that insult Half-Life 2 for no reason, why would a Half-Life 2 community want to read that?

I agree that people shouldn't be flamed who come onto the forums asking for help, that's just lame!
mortiz said:
And your point is...?

Plus I think you'll find that people are insulted when they come on here and posts something along the lines of "HL2 sucks" because it blatantly doesn't suck

Of course you'll be insulted if you have your ego tied to Half-Life 2.

, and you have to admit that even if it's not your cup of tea and 2) They're just being a troll, this is a HL2 community so most of us obviously are going to like HL2.

I'm not going to like a game just because I belong to the community, or something.

It's OK to be critical, in a constructive manner, i.e. suggesting ways the game could have been improved, thus giving the good and bad points about the game, and then there're just mindless threads that insult Half-Life 2 for no reason, why would a Half-Life 2 community want to read that.

"Mindless insults" are the equivelant of "omg omg hl2 is teh r0x0rs i luv u valve lol1!!11" which somehow is okay with everyone.
Spartan said:
Of course you'll be insulted if you have your ego tied to Half-Life 2.

I'm not going to like a game just because I belong to the community, or something.

"Mindless insults" are the equivelant of "omg omg hl2 is teh r0x0rs i luv u valve lol1!!11" which somehow is okay with everyone.

Firstly you mis-read your post, by that I meant people are going to be flamed.

Secondly, If you don't like the game then LEAVE, it's not hard you know, I'm sure you've got other things in your life besides HL2.net.

Thirdly, this is a HL2 Community, of course that's OK with every body because most of us who are still here love HL2, everyone else who doesn't like HL2 should have left by now, you DO NOT have to post here, I reiterate.

I'm sorry, but I don't see the point in posts that declare how much you hate HL2, because they'll only lead to pages of flames and bring the forum down as a whole.
Well my take is the gaming community as a whole is flipin retarded. I for one have been playing video games since i was like 6 on my Odyssey so I think have just a little experience to speak on. I saw the days on text games and loved them (though they required something called imagination). I saw the early days of PC games like Quark or whatever where you were a caveman on a wheel and the days of Mario Brothers (way before Super Mario Brothers Side scroll). I saw the days of Sierra where games like Space Quest and King's Quest that were so ground breaking because you could actually interact with pieces of the enviroment and so on and so on and so on. Now this year and I really mean the later half of the year some of the most long awaited games of all times are being released or have been released. Let me see titles like GTA San Andreas, Doom 3, Farcry, Halo2, Half-Life2, and GT4. I am sure there are others but like most of you other hardcore gamers, I am sleep deprived from all the great games coming out all at once so bear with me.

My point is we have never seen such a time of video gaming goodness. All I hear is this part sucks and this game is better than that. I here people call each other fanboys and say they are biased. You all need to stfu. Go enjoy these literally amazing games and bask in the gaming utopia. Now don't get my wrong no game is perect but what in this world is? Critisim drives the bar to be raised and good feedback helps the video game developers come up with great new ideas and they also fix things we as a community would like to see differently. Grow the hell up all of you.
mortiz said:
Firstly you mis-read your post, by that I meant people are going to be flamed.

Secondly, If you don't like the game then LEAVE, it's not hard you know, I'm sure you've got other things in your life besides HL2.net.

Thirdly, this is a HL2 Community, of course that's OK with every body because most of us who are still here love HL2, everyone else who doesn't like HL2 should have left by now, you DO NOT have to post here, I reiterate.

I'm sorry, but I don't see the point in posts that declare how much you hate HL2, because they'll only lead to pages of flames and bring the forum down as a whole.

This.. is exactly the problem. A fanboy thinks in a binary way. There's only 1 or 0. You either love or hate the game. I think HL2 is great, but it has some alarming shortcomings.
Spartan said:
This.. is exactly the problem. A fanboy thinks in a binary way. There's only 1 or 0. You either love or hate the game. I think HL2 is great, but it has some alarming shortcomings.

That is one of the most hypocritical things I've ever read, you couldn't respond to my post intelligently so you decided to come up with that drival? Please, It's got nothing to do with me being a "fanboy", In fact I have my own critical issues with Half-Life 2. I didn't literally mean love in the context I used it, I said 'like', if you don't like the game, i.e. you don't find it fun to play then there's no point in being here. If you do like the game but don't like certain aspects of it, please, feel free to post them in an intelligent manner.
Just as people have the right to criticize the game for what they believe are flaws, so do people have the right to criticize THOSE people in disagreement. It's as simple as that.

For example, just as you have the right to use the word "alarming" to describe HL2s shortcomings, so do I have the right to call you a moron for what I see as a complete misuse of the word. The only thing alarming about this game is how much better it is than anything else on the shelf.
Spartan said:
This.. is exactly the problem. A fanboy thinks in a binary way. There's only 1 or 0. You either love or hate the game. I think HL2 is great, but it has some alarming shortcomings.

You also enjoy to state your views as fact, not opinion.
i think somebody is subconsciously very upset that hl2 did not live up to their expectations and so blames people for one reason or another for not enjoying the game, rather than just accepting that its just not that great, and so shattering their little hl2fanboy world. its that or someone keeps taking the piss outa him at school/college/home/work and hes just venting.