why is there americanized chinese food?


May 19, 2003
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Why do a lot of chinese food restaurants americanize the chinese food? What's so bad about the authenthic stuff?
I'm sorry I don't want rat entrails in my rice.

I was going to say something to the same effect...

At least the Japanese restraunts around here have authentic Jap food.
I'd sooner eat natural rat entrails in rice than steroid, pesticide and grain filled meat deficient in minerals and served with a siding of toxic tuber fried in already unstable pesticide, deodorised vegetable oil (american food)
^^ That's why. The rest of the world simply does not like "real" Chinese food.

Big generalization you're making there. Then why even call it chinese food?

And are you guys telling me you don't like intestine?

And where are the vegetables?

I have a general rule: if the menus aren't in mandarin, it probably isn't a real chinese restaurant.
Because we grew up enjoying the taste of "Fake" chinese food?
Its same with most foreign foods these days such as Chinese and Indian food. Its much more expensive and time consuming to make authentic food. Also, the majority of western society wouldn't enjoy authentic food, since its completely different from what you get in restaurants.

Although some restaurants do authentic food if you ask for it. I went with a couple of friends from Hong Kong to a Cantonese restaurant in Leeds, UK and they asked for authentic stuff. Its completely different from what you get in most restaurants.
Its same with most foreign foods these days such as Chinese and Indian food. Its much more expensive and time consuming to make authentic food. Also, the majority of western society wouldn't enjoy authentic food, since its completely different from what you get in restaurants.

Although some restaurants do authentic food if you ask for it. I went with a couple of friends from Hong Kong to a Cantonese restaurant in Leeds, UK and they asked for authentic stuff. Its completely different from what you get in most restaurants.

To get authenthic foreign food you need to go to the communities where the actual people actually live in.
To get authenthic foreign food you need to go to the communities where the actual people actually live in.

A good rule of thumb is to look at the clientell and staff. If you go to a Thai restaurant and the patrons and servers are mostly asian, it's a good chance it'll be authentic (or close to it).

"Americanized" Chinese food exists to cater to the market.

I'm 2nd generation Canadian from chinese decent, and I'll tell you even I don't like eating some of the stuff my parents order. And in BC, you can get VERY authentic... hell half the chinese restaurants I go to don't even have english on their menus.

Pig's feet, Duck's feet, Tripe (stomach lining), fish heads, crab brains, beef tongue... that's about all I can think of off the top of my head.

I also can't stand my food looking at me, so the Chinese style of presenting the decapitated head prominently on the plate is unappetizing.

That being said, I've only met a handful of non-chinese here that don't know how to use chopsticks or don't enjoy dimsum.
My dad had a thing for picking out the fish's eye and gobbling it down.
Big generalization you're making there. Then why even call it chinese food?

Because Chinese people make it. I call food made by Italians Italian Food, Mexican food if its made by mexicans, and Chicken if its made by black people....

Bigger profit margin, more appeal.
my girlfriend (japanese) took my to a japanese restaurant one time where bull penis was on the menu...we ordered it and it was quite literally the penis off a bull...that's a little more authentic than I'm comfortable with.

(btw it was only like $4)
Well, I guess some people are uncomfortable with Bull Penis. Or Pig's Blood Cake. Or Chicken Feet.

To you I say: What the hell is wrong with you people? :D
Because real Chinese food tastes like shit.

If they started selling Chinese food ? la China they would be bankrupted faster than you can say "Mao Zedong".
Jesus Christ I must be the only person in the world who likes real Chinese food.
You are... even the Chinese hate that crap.
Jesus Christ I must be the only person in the world who likes real Chinese food.

Nope, I'm with ya!

I'm guessing you've mostly eaten the Hong Kong-style Chinese food?
Nope, I'm with ya!

I'm guessing you've mostly eaten the Hong Kong-style Chinese food?
When I was in China I got the same shit wherever I went. It was too oily and it messed up my stomach to the point that I couldn't shit normally for two months afterwards.
I'm American, thus I love Americanized food!

It's logical
When I was in China I got the same shit wherever I went. It was too oily and it messed up my stomach to the point that I couldn't shit normally for two months afterwards.

The hell did you order? I can't vouch for China (I'm sure you know they're notorious for all kinds of scams / tricks / piracy / etc.) but here in Hong Kong, I've never had anything mess me up that bad, and I've been eating it daily for the past 7 months or so (not including the all the chinese food I've had before). The typical Chinese (or should I say Cantonese) food isn't overly oily, infact it's barely noticeable... there are exceptions but nothing comes close to say, your typical American Burger / Fries. I mean, as long as you order the typical noodles / vermicilli / rice / Udon / etc etc then you'll be fine.
When I was in China I got the same shit wherever I went. It was too oily and it messed up my stomach to the point that I couldn't shit normally for two months afterwards.

And that's different from American food how..?

And to be honest, I specificly prefer Taiwanese food.
AiM said:
I'm guessing you've mostly eaten the Hong Kong-style Chinese food?

Don't know really, theres a Chinese restruant in the city though that sells lots of weird and strange food, I assumed that was the real Chinese food, it's quite nice imo.
Chinese food? We have Koreanized Chinese food, where you can't even get in China but we call it Chinese food anyway. :rolling:

And yes, I'm not comfortable with eating the nest of birds.
You're all cowards! Who wouldn't eat the nest of birds?
The best part is asian-nified american food. Mos Burger, anyone?
I just had Chinese food last night.

Veggie Lo mein, wonton soup, shrimp, and winter sushi.
Real Chinese food is great, if you goto the right places and order the right stuff.

Chinese BBQ is some of the best food I ever had.

Chinese food does vary greatly all over the country though, Southern Chinese food is totally different to that stuff in the north.

I couldn't stomach pig's feet, tongues or the Penis Emporium though. I have my limits.
heh, I reckon I could eat anything natural from an animal as long as it's fit for human consumption. I probably woulden't be turned away from eating dog either, as long as it doesnt cause harm to your body I'll eat it.
It really depends on your definition of "fit for human consumption".
I enjoy Americanized Chinese food every now and then. Well, Sweet and Sour chicken with white rice is the only thing I really eat from Chinese places.