Why I've Been Gone...


Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
Yes, yes, I'm back... but it may only be for an extremely short time. In fact, I might not even check back here until a few months... At any rate, I'm still the akward, crazy, little doof you (may) remember. You might also notice something different about me. What is it? Well... I'm typing "properly". OCD. Why have I been gone for so long? Other sites, school, procrastination (I'll tell you about that later), short attention span, a

I have a deviantART account. I like it. It's like a drug... only it's nothing like an actual drug... Anyway... I don't even know if this is the correct approach to doing this, but... I don't care :D Here's some of my artwork. Hope you guys like it! Oh, and don't get bitchy at me just because the images aren't showing. Just click on the link. It's really not that difficult. I'd have made them attatchments, but the files were too big, and the "insert image" thing wasn't working properly... so, yeah.

Eh... that's all I feel like pasting... Later!

EDIT: I forgot about my desktop! http://x-a-n-a.deviantart.com/art/My-Desktop-60382011 There you go!
I lol'd.

Nice drawings :thumbs:

I remember your name, but not much else...

Thank you! Sorry to say it, but... I really haven't too many memories of you ^^;

I'm... still accustomed to dA.
I remember you generally, but I feel like there's some specific thing I'm forgetting.

I like the art :)

edit: oh, I remember, it's cause you're the asshole who thinks I'm an asshole for banning OvA. I guess that whole thing is negated by the fact that he's been on the site since three days after that happened.
I remember you generally, but I feel like there's some specific thing I'm forgetting.

I like the art :)

You mean aside from bugging you and doing things I normally shouldn't do despite the fact that you were present? Because if that's what you "generally" remember about me, then... I can't think of what you're forgetting.

Thank you very much...

... Oh crap! I forgot about my desktop!