Why No Boss Infected Gameplay Footage?


Apr 23, 2004
Reaction score
This game just keeps looking better and better, especially after E3. But one thing really worries me: We've seen next to no gameplay for the Boss Infected. This is actually the part of the game I find most interesting. In fact, I plan to play an Infected before Survivor.

Anyway, the reason I'm worried is that maybe Boss Infected gameplay is that there isn't much to show off. Maybe they are just a throw-away part of the game?
Well it might be due to the fact that even if you turn into a infected, you still lose no matter what.

So it's not really supposed to be a important aspect of the game
Well it might be due to the fact that even if you turn into a infected, you still lose no matter what.

So it's not really supposed to be a important aspect of the game

Ok... this is L4D... not Zombie Panic or whatever.
Survivors don't turn into Infected. You choose to be a Boss Infected and attempt to stop the Survivors.
Might want to study up a bit on the game your about to comment on.
I too would like to see more Infected footage. I'm sold on the Survivor aspect already, so a change of perspective would be welcome.
Playing infected sounds so incredibly boring. I doubt very much I will spend more than 10 minutes playing as infected. How could it possibly be half as much fun as being a survivor?

I think they will eventually ditch the idea.
What? Stalking unsuspecting human prey sounds boring to you?
I can see the appeal of lying in wait for the survivors and going for the stealth or surprise attack (depending upon which boss you are of course). I think we'll see some people get very, very good at it - I'm expecting youtube vid's of all the survivors dying from well planned and executed attacks. It's almost like griefing given a legitimate gameplay avenue.
I must admit, at first I'd rather them cut the infected playables because I wanted some fun Zombie Horror to play in, but as you just described it, it sounds awesome to be infected now. Come to think of it, I'd almost rather play as infected. :D
Has there been any infected gameplay yet? Can anyone link it?

I really don't think there has been any. The only thing close to seeing how an infected plays was in the Michael Booth interview (one of the first videos with substantial gameplay) where he talks all about the AI Director, there was a second of in-game footage of a Death Cam or something watching a Hunter infected walking around on a ledge.
I played as the infected last year, so it's changed a lot obviously.

The one thing is that it's really hard to start off. You need to know more controls, need to know the map to know where to get the survivors, and you need a lot of tactics. It's also not the best because your life span is really, really short as an infected. I'm sure they probably tweaked it, but sometimes it was like 30-45 seconds of playing the game, then dying, then waiting another like 45 seconds or so to wait for the next spawn point (when the AI director would decide when to send in the next boss zombie).

It's definitely a side where losing is something that happens a lot, so maybe that's not why they are showing too much of it yet. They are also working on it still, and it's jut not done.
Ok... this is L4D... not Zombie Panic or whatever.
Survivors don't turn into Infected. You choose to be a Boss Infected and attempt to stop the Survivors.
Might want to study up a bit on the game your about to comment on.

Oh okay.

I don't study unreleased games though :LOL:
I believe that is the really early version that they've changed a lot, since then.
That's definitely early footage and the player sucked. If he was a Hunter (I'm assuming he was) he should be utilizing the pounce ability that knocks survivors down and tears away at their health until another survivor knocks the hunter off.

The Smoker sounds f*cking fun to play if you ask me. Drop a cloud of thick smoke on the survivors so they have lower visibility, then yank one away from the crowd, choking him while safely chilling at the top of a building :) Example from left4dead411.com:

The Smoker sounds f*cking fun to play if you ask me. Drop a cloud of thick smoke on the survivors so they have lower visibility,

Too bad disabling smoke effects is a bit too easy to do these days. :|
Notice that it's quite old. Strange thing Hool didn't post it here.
I'm sleeping at 9PM EST and wake up at 5AM for 6AM work. Then I get out at 5PM as a welder. :p Yea that is an ancient video that GT took down with 4 other videos in the past with Valve. :hmph: There are 2 others that are on record:
They still have the Homer Simpson yell in there with Francis which bugs the hell out of me. The last one is very tricky to get and I can't find it. Was only 5 seconds long and it had the Boomer vomitting on Louise. The Boomer survived for a few seconds afterwards though and it's not Zarzaks video. The other vids that GT has taken down was this gem:
They also took down the 3rd person view videos taken at this years E3. I have a feeling Valve have a collection of concept trailers internally, to get an idea for the game. Some of the clips of the trailers have been released in previews with the 1UP video but they have not put it out fully IMO. The L4D trailer that was taken down is one probably. The new videos show the Smoker all demon like with poison all around him. He is fairly obvious to spot now when he attacks. So the the strategies on l4d411 are no longer relevant because the Infected abilities have changed now, smarter Director, etc.
I'm sleeping at 9PM EST and wake up at 5AM for 6AM work. Then I get out at 5PM as a welder. :p Yea that is an ancient video that GT took down with 4 other videos in the past with Valve. :hmph: There are 2 others that are on record:
They still have the Homer Simpson yell in there with Francis which bugs the hell out of me. The last one is very tricky to get and I can't find it. Was only 5 seconds long and it had the Boomer vomitting on Louise. The Boomer survived for a few seconds afterwards though and it's not Zarzaks video. The other vids that GT has taken down was this gem:
They also took down the 3rd person view videos taken at this years E3. I have a feeling Valve have a collection of concept trailers internally, to get an idea for the game. Some of the clips of the trailers have been released in previews with the 1UP video but they have not put it out fully IMO. The L4D trailer that was taken down is one probably. The new videos show the Smoker all demon like with poison all around him. He is fairly obvious to spot now when he attacks. So the the strategies on l4d411 are no longer relevant because the Infected abilities have changed now, smarter Director, etc.

looks like Zombie Panic zombie gameplay. I hope they are still working on this
Those videos are like when I played as the boss zombies well over a year ago... So yes, I promise you it's changed a lot since then.