Why so little?


Oct 31, 2004
Reaction score
I was at my friends house about 3 hours ago, he just got Counter-Strike: Source. When he went browsing for a server he got over 3000 servers in his list. When I go browsing for a server I only get 400-500 servers in my server list. Why is he getting way more to choose from than me. He is on a cable modem at 3.0Mbs and i'm on DSl at 1.5 Mbs. Can the internet connection make a diffrence. I have no filters set, and either does he.
I got 8,000 servers lol. Check your filter options again. And if not, then I guess you're.... not lucky?
as said, check your filters and just wait for Steam to do its thang.
Yep, just checked, no filters are set. Oh well, I can live with 400-500 servers to choose from. Yeah, it probably just steam crapping it up, like it usually does.
firewalls? my cousin has 27015 port blocked so he only sees games with 27016 or somthing like that
Deemo said:
firewalls? my cousin has 27015 port blocked so he only sees games with 27016 or somthing like that
yeah it's firewall related
after I released some ports on my firewall I was like WTF!!! where are all these servers coming from :D
Um the only firewall I have is the Windows XP SP2 firewall. And when I first played the game it told to me to unblock it, and I did. So I dont think it is firewall related.
If you have a router, check to see that those ports aren't blocked.
Ok, I checked my dsl modem firewall, and it doesnt have any options to open ports. But i'm wondering if its the Windows SP2 firewall. Can someone name some ports to open. I just want to test my ideal. Ill rather try something than try nothing. My dsl modem firewall cannot be edited at all.