why so many MP whiners?



why are so many people whining about HL2's multiplayer component being CS:Source?

I'm not trying to attack anyone with that question; I'm honestly asking.

Don't you kids realize you hurt the gaming industry when you do this?

I've seen a bunch of people saying "HL2 is worthless now. I'm just going to pirate since now there's no reason to buy it" and so on and so on.

#1: It's this mentality that causes grief for developers... if they feel like they HAVE to put multiplayer in every freakin game that comes out, then they have to divert time, money, and resources away from the single player component, which causes it to suffer; and even then, you end up with a crummy boring multiplayer mode in most games today.

#2: Why the hell would you want a straightforward HL2 deathmatch mode anyway??? Or even any other game modes for that matter... it would be just like EVERY OTHER MULTIPLAYER FPS GAME. which leads me to my next point...

#3: The beauty of Half-Life 2 is the SINGLE PLAYER MODE. Anyone who planned on buying this game just for some lame multiplayer mode is insane!

I've never played Counterstrike, but I hear it's great, so I'm sure CS:Source will be a plenty fine multiplayer component; much better than just about any other game that is primarily based around single player... especially considering it comes with it for free! So quit whining about every little thing like its the end of the world, with all these lame polls and whatnot... please?

Sorry if I come across as abrasive, but I just don't understand the rationale behind some of the comments over the last several hours since the interview was posted revealing the multiplayer details.
2 is a lame point. with all the factors that make hl2sp cool(physics, combine vs resistance struggle, striders, environments, weapons), if done properly it could make a very unique and fun mp mode.

it could. and with 6 years to do it. it should have. yes they made source. but still..6 years.
For some people, a fast paced, run and gun type of multiplayer like DM is much more appealing than Counter-Strike.
hurt the game industry? worrying about MP?
how about this: valve wouldn't have got so much money out of HL sales if it weren't for MP and mods.
cs:s would be fine to have as a multiplayer if it just came out. i'm just so sick of it, i mean, after 5 years or something i want something new.

i mean, sure, you could argue that it has better graphics and physics etc, but the fact is that it's the same old cs with a makeover.

i was looking forward to having a crazy dm with the gravity-gun.
Hey Arcy,

No offence taken here with your questions mate.

See my reasons here:

(scroll down towards bottom of the page)


To me, Valve set the new standard 6 years ago with HLDM on what a deathmatch could be and how creative people can be in causing pain and death. I honestly think that with the new source engine and its physics model, the bar could have been raised again so to speak with this very physics model namely the added use of a manipulator and vehicles. There are endless choices we have with the source engine and time will show us what modders can do.

I was just hoping Valve would have that out of the box to at least get our feet wet for the modders out there rather than start from scratch which could cause real development pains for them.
Sounds like good news to me actually. It does mean that they spent six years focussing solely on a first person experience. Considering that this is the team behind Half-Life, to me that is very exciting.

Maybe it really will surpass our, already sky high, expectations, as some of the reviewers are letting on.
I've always been against developers throwing in half-assed efforts for mp or vice versa. They should focus on one aspect and do it to the best of their ability. Far Cry, Doom3 , Painkiller. Who plays them online? Not many people.

Now, if Valve sat around at meetings pondering the potential of HL2mp...

Gabe: "Ok bitches listen up. We have 2 options here. We can make a straight hl2dm with all the weapons and mindless endless spawning gameplay. We've estimated that will take at least 6 months of development time but the result will be fairly mediocre.

Option 2. We can really work our assess off and make a fantastic hl2mp that is resistance vs combine. Vehicles, manipulators, objectives etc!! We've estimated that will take at least 18 months to develop.

Either way this will no doubt push development into mid-late 2005. Now we're already working on Team Fortress 2 which is already taking a lot of our development time, frankly i don't think there's enough manpower or motivation for a hl2mp. Your thoughts comrades?

Cliffe: "HEY I HAVE AN IDEA!!! LOL!! Lets convert my mod, cough *which is the most popular fps game in the history of fps games*, to the source engine and use that as the mp!!!!! "

Gabe: "GFG cliffe"
Doug: "werd"

Cliff: ";oollloll"
If you want great DM, play quake.
If you want a great version of the most played game ever and what looks to be the best SP ever then play HL2.
18 months. hardly. think of all the content that is already ready for MP. the models, weapons. all they would have to do is cut out some maps from the SP, make them balanced, thrown in some VGUI's, some vehicles, and beta test on steam. there you have it.
They have 50+ employees. Not having enough time or people to develop all of the games is their fault for trying to make so many different games at the same time. They want to make HL2, TF2 (possibly a TFC:S as well), CS:S, DMC:S, RC:S, DoD:S, HL:S, and HL2 expansions.

Is that our fault? No.

The point is that they chose to pass off almost a completely straight port of a 4+ year old game as the multiplayer component... and that was what they had kept a secret for a whole year. I would have probably been less disappointed if they didn't make such a big deal about keeping CS:S a secret... or even if they weren't making any official multiplayer and they just said so from the start.

Is it our fault that they skipped the potential for a fresh, innovative, HL2-themed multiplayer in order to work on a straight port of their cash cow (Counter-Strike)? No.

Is it illegal for us to be disappointed that something which seemed like a virtual certainty was not included? No.
brink's said:
If you want great DM, play quake.
If you want a great version of the most played game ever and what looks to be the best Multi ever then play HL2.

How do you figure HL2 looks to be the best multiplayer ever? All it is is counter-strike..the same crap we have been playing for 4 years but with ONE map and a new engine..

I am dissapointed in valve slacking off and not creating an amazing MP..instead they just threw at us a pile of crap which is counter-strike source.
Meh, Counterstrike... I hope some high quality replacement models come out for it soon, 'cause I like to customize :D
good post Cyber.
i think what pple will point to in the end will be that they had 6+ years on the creation of HL2 SP and MP.. and like Cyber so elequently(sp?) put it, Valve drags out a 4+ year old mod and keep it a secret as HL2's MP.

perhaps pple would be less pissed if it wasn't kept secret.. but they did so i guess they will have to deal with the good and the bad as it comes.
KidRock said:
How do you figure HL2 looks to be the best multiplayer ever? All it is is counter-strike..the same crap we have been playing for 4 years but with ONE map and a new engine..

I am dissapointed in valve slacking off and not creating an amazing MP..instead they just threw at us a pile of crap which is counter-strike source.
Srry I meant to say singleplayer
id be mildly appeased if they had redone militia, but it doesn't seem to be in the .gcf so damnit.
Valve is no better then EA is. It sucks I was looking forward to this "New mind blowing MP experience" with HL2 but instead we get stuck with CS:S.

I feel like Valve is just another money hungry company.
KidRock said:
Valve is no better then EA is. It sucks I was looking forward to this "New mind blowing MP experience" with HL2 but instead we get stuck with CS:S.

I feel like Valve is just another money hungry company.
We didn't see or hear anything along the lines of MP with the exeption of CSS and you thought it would be mindblowing??? OK
brink's said:
We didn't see or hear anything along the lines of MP with the exeption of CSS and you thought it would be mindblowing??? OK
Normally you don't keep something a secret for a whole year if it's old and boring.
Yes, thats why 90 thousand+ people are playing cs right now, cause its old and boring.
Part of the issue is that they said it was a secret and they always said No Comment durring interviews etc.
Then they anounce earlier this year that they started CSS and that CSS will be included in HL2. DOD:S would not be included just yet. They did not connect CSS with that secret multiplayer...they skipped that step. Or if CSS was not the secret multiplayer, they forgot to say it was canceled in favor for CSS.

The comment made by Cliffe was confusing because of it's wording which didn't help things.
First off, it's Valve . The only gaming company that is more true to their fans is blizzard. I mean they give tours on request ( occasionally), and I honestly beleive they will not leave us hanging after seeing such an uprising.

Do any of you even remember the PC gamer preview that stated that each developer in Valve was personally mentoring a prospective mod team. They obviously have built their engine with MP in mind, especially considering it is somewhat of an easier path.

In all honesty, after the MP revolution that started as a result of major shooters like UT series, Q4, and BF1942, I'm glad that many games are focusing on SP. What were you expecting from a game engine that does lypsynching, and facial expresions for you?

Then again I will admit that my lack of empathy is completely just. I never played HLDM, and I haven't played very many Valve games since it came out. I guess I've been so stoked over the atmosphere and storytelling elements of HL2 that multiplayer never seemed too important.
On the one hand they (Valve) shouldn't have made the MP a secret which made fan expectations rise way out of proportion. On the other hand, Valve are not known for making wonderful MP experiences. (deathmatch, ricochet?) Those wonderful MP experiences where created by "us", the fans. So if people can be a little patient, within a few months we will hopefully have a plethora of MP mods to enjoy.
i agree i feel that the half life multiplayer sucked huge and i never even played it more than 5 times... the mods are what is going to make half life 2 to me... and cs source, i mean no one can deny cs source is sweet, i dont care if it is counter strike and its "newbish", counter strike is flipping sick

merc said:
i agree i feel that the half life multiplayer sucked huge and i never even played it more than 5 times... the mods are what is going to make half life 2 to me... and cs source, i mean no one can deny cs source is sweet, i dont care if it is counter strike and its "newbish", counter strike is flipping sick


counter strike is 'sick' when you are 13.
and it is still sick, why is it that older gamers reject games that are played by so many people even if a lot of them are between 13-17... do all older gamers switch to boring ass no life rpg's?

If you don't want to play with a bunch of 13 year olds then look around. It didn't take me long to find a server where the majority of the players were 18 -25
:dozey: Well gee, obviously you aren't a super Half Life fan now are ye? Some peeps feel letdown you know, that there's not going to be a Half Life 2 DM or whatever.
its not about age, there are plenty of adults that play cS. im just saying you don't find many young people that would prefer something other than CS. they are zombified at an early age.
It's not that there isn't a half life 2 dm that pisses me off, it's why couldn't they just tell us this, a year ago? they obviously knew then, why string us along? oh wait.................. :|
neozero said:
Then again I will admit that my lack of empathy is completely just. I never played HLDM, and I haven't played very many Valve games since it came out. I guess I've been so stoked over the atmosphere and storytelling elements of HL2 that multiplayer never seemed too important.

well then.. ur opinion means almost nothing in this thread with all due respect.. and i mean no disrespect honestly.. because, to this day myself and many others play HLDM, CTF u name it.

so since u admitted u didn't play these MP modes, u have no idea how pple feel about CS:Source being the MP to HL2.
as far as modders making mods months down the road? we'll see when we get to that point aight? i mean sure Valve has said the SDK will be available with HL2's release.. but then again.. Valve says alot of things.. and not all of it works out.. right?
brink's said:
Yes, thats why 90 thousand+ people are playing cs right now, cause its old and boring.
I can only take so many years of buying the same 3 or 4 weapons, playing on the same maps, completing the same objectives, hearing the same radio commands, and everything else about CS before it gets boring. Counter-Strike is no different than any other good game. It has a life span. No amount of graphical upgrades can keep the gameplay from becoming old. Just let the original CS die and make a new game (even if it is a sequel... but not a port) already!
thanks for all the replies.

lots of insightful stuff here, and lots of stuff I hadn't really thought about. I can understand some of the frustration with the MP details now.

thanks mates :D
OCybrManO said:
It has a life span. No amount of graphical upgrades can keep the gameplay from becoming old. Just let the original one die and make a new game (even if it is a sequel) already!
I'm not so sure about that. I think CS will remain popular for a long long time to come.

It's almost like a sport, basketball, etc. It's just fun and people will always want to play it. Obviously some people are sick of it now, but it still has more people playing than Americas Army, BF1942, Cod combined. These supposedly newer, "better" games still cannot challenge the intense fun factor that CS offers.
Hey you are right maybe I should go play some Halo, erm wait... Halo is 95% 13 year old boy player base, nevermind.
i think it's lifespan is more due to it's easy learning curve than anything
a new player can join up and understand how to play
:| That be so cool if they made a Ravenshield: Source, I would have sex with all of you. For real! I am in love with it, realistic shooter EVAR SO FAR!
ravenshield with good netcode. damn that would be great. what other game lets you select from over 50 guns with modifications heh
arcy said:
why are so many people whining about HL2's multiplayer component being CS:Source?

Because I've been playing Counter-Strike since it was beta 4 and ran on the Half-Life engine. I can't even remember when that was. Three years ago? Four?

Don't you kids realize you hurt the gaming industry when you do this?

Who are you calling a kid? **** off, retard.