Why the **** cant we say ****?

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Because there are invisible lines in western society when it comes to slang in the language. Right now there is a line between those two words, shit is a line that can be crossed today without evoking any real controversy. f|_|ck however will evoke controversy. Since this site wants to cater to as many people as possible its best not to cross the f|_|ck line.
but with the **** we already know what it means so why not let with what we already know?
Because this is how society works. Its stupid and the only people who believe other wise are either right-wing censors who believe in nothing but "family values". Or academics (and academic wannabes) who feel such slang degrades an argument.

In my opinion neither are right but then again I also realize that a few years ago saying shit was crossing a certain line that would be looked down upon. Thats changed and I don't see any reason why in another few years **** won't be moved behind the line as well.
because stars look so damn cool! **** ******* *****!1 woooo!!!
Starmonkey likes to **** men in the **** with a ****!
These are my own words. I have not been censored. There is no conspiracy.

the real me: oh my god, noooooooooooooo!
I don't like the word, they did it for me because the admins <3 me
I womder what word will replace f**k like it replaced damn.
DieHard said:
We can say shit, so why not f|_|ck?

Because its a banned word and shit isn't.

I hope that cleared things up for you :thumbs:
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