Why Valve/Gabe is awesome


May 5, 2004
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Erik Wolpaw, a writer at Valve fell ill (diagnosed with ulcerative colitis) in 2004. He knew he couldn’t fulfil his duties at work and made the choice to leave Valve. Erik tried to quit, Gabe refused to accept his resignation and said “Your job is to get better. That is your job description at Valve. So go home to your wife and come back when you are better.” On leaving Erik turned to fellow Valver Chet and said “Well, I guess we know where we’re working for the rest of our lives.” Erick went on to write Portal, and Gabe went on being a thoroughly classy gent


I guess this is old news to some of you however this is the first of I've heard of it. gabe sounds like a super nice guy and a good businessman (keep those most valuable to your company no matter what)
It's in Portal 2: The Final Hours (an ebook available on Steam). Not sure if it appeared anywhere else first.
I guess this is old news to some of you however this is the first of I've heard of it. gabe sounds like a super nice guy and a good businessman
Yeah, back in 2004 he was a super nice guy and good businessman.
It's in Portal 2: The Final Hours (an ebook available on Steam). Not sure if it appeared anywhere else first.
Read about it some time before Portal 2 was released. Cemented my opinion of Gabe as fat and wonderful.
When I asked him if I could take a picture of him at Blizzcon, he suggested that I take a picture WITH him.

I was lovestruck
Eh I was just making a joke about how the half life series went downhill from there with the episodic content and now nothing for the last 5 years. It wasn't very serious.
Eh I was just making a joke about how the half life series went downhill from there with the episodic content and now nothing for the last 5 years. It wasn't very serious.
Back in 2004 you were a super nice guy too, but you still were a terrible buisinessman, so you leave Gabe alone.
What's with this sudden love from all over the internet of My Little Pony? Seriously what the ****?

Also Gabe WAS a stand-up guy, back in 04.
What's with this sudden love from all over the internet of My Little Pony? Seriously what the ****?

I've noticed this too. Granted I have no idea what it's all about, I assume it's a children's cartoon show?
Steal my mo****in' lines.
:bounce: I honestly didn't even notice and I read through all the posts must've subconsciously skipped yours lmfao my bad home skillet

I've noticed this too. Granted I have no idea what it's all about, I assume it's a children's cartoon show?
The part about it being a kids show is fine, I still watch DBZ and Adventure Time and such, but it's a LITTLE GIRLS show. That's like watching Bratz or Polly Pocket (that was a show right?) or some other such garbage like that. Makes no sense. I see more men mention this show than anything else.
The part about it being a kids show is fine, I still watch DBZ and Adventure Time and such, but it's a LITTLE GIRLS show. That's like watching Bratz or Polly Pocket (that was a show right?) or some other such garbage like that. Makes no sense. I see more men mention this show than anything else.
Oh no you'll get infected by the pink girlyness and your penis will fall off! Seriously dude grow a pair of balls and stop being afraid of girly stuff. I've not watched the show and don't plan on it but I don't dismiss it as "girly" because I'm not twelve. For all I know it's just as good as Adventure Time.
There are people who don't know what My Little Pony is?

I feel old.
The recent My Little Pony show has become something of an ironic hipster craze because it incorporates a lot of geek culture references in its writing which has inevitably spawned a bunch of crossover memes.
The more I try to figure out why the hell people like MLP, the more I realize how many ****ing people on the internet actually do. The revelation from Gabe set a fire under the seat of the entire MLP fanbase, so expect to see more that crap now (crap as in the memes - I don't care who watches the show).
Oh no you'll get infected by the pink girlyness and your penis will fall off! Seriously dude grow a pair of balls and stop being afraid of girly stuff. I've not watched the show and don't plan on it but I don't dismiss it as "girly" because I'm not twelve. For all I know it's just as good as Adventure Time.
May as well watch Dora the Explorer too, and start collecting Barbies.. I don't care how you spin it, there are certain things limited to girls and certain things limited to boys. That's life.

And **** off, there is no way it comes close to Adventure time. AT is ****ing awesome.
I watched In The Night Garden once at Uni. It was a f*cking journey, man.
Oh no you'll get infected by the pink girlyness and your penis will fall off! Seriously dude grow a pair of balls and stop being afraid of girly stuff. I've not watched the show and don't plan on it but I don't dismiss it as "girly" because I'm not twelve. For all I know it's just as good as Adventure Time.

I don't think the problem for me is it being girly, I think the problem for me is it being incredibly childish. A lot of old cartoons in the 90's and 80's have this sort of lasting breadth of appeal for adults because it works on a level for children with cheap laughs and fun, but a lot of parodies and references and even subtle humor that adults can appreciate.

I've not watched my little pony, but I can't imagine it has that duality of sophistication.
MLP is just a mediocre modern kids show. That's it. It doesn't have the quality of 90's shows like Raz says. It has that ultimately predictable formula every other current children's show has, and while it does have fairly high budget animation the writing is incredibly simple and the characters are boring and copypasted from school archetypes.

but let's not talk about mlp the more attention you give it the more people flip out
I watched an episode and thought it seemed okay in a Powerpuff kind of way, except even more sugary.

Also who cares.
MLP is a substitute social community for people who don't feel like they're a part of one. Go see an MLP thread on any forum. They don't discuss the show, they mostly discuss personal life and other random stuff. Watching the show is a transition rite after which they try to make themselves obvious bronies with the avatars and such. I could go on about this forever.

And Gabe is a cool guy etc etc gib ep3
MLP is a substitute social community for people who don't feel like they're a part of one. Go see an MLP thread on any forum. They don't discuss the show, they mostly discuss personal life and other random stuff.
...and most of them begin with "Hey /b/"
Well clearly ye're both experts on this show neither of ye have watched.

When did I claim to be an expert? After all, I said I hadn't watched it, beyond a few clips on the internet here and there.

If I watch the cartoon, am I going to be reminded of awesome 90's cartoons that are hilariously relevant now with great subtle adult humor thrown in? Or is it just going to be peace and love and friendship... sappy shit.

If I watch the cartoon, am I going to be reminded of awesome 90's cartoons that are hilariously relevant now with great subtle adult humor thrown in? Or is it just going to be peace and love and friendship... sappy shit.

A mix of both. The primary focus of the show is, of course, the intended demographic. But the people who make it actually have considerable input (Hasbro generally doesn't care what they do as long as they can sell toys based on it), so the show is full of homages and references and fandom nods, and some genuinely funny humor. It doesn't have Pixar levels of dual adult/child appeal, but it's not unwatchable.

Edit: A good example is the antagonist from the beginning of season 2. He's Q, from Star Trek. He's a chaotic trickster god who toys with reality and he's voiced by John de Lancie, who played Q. Lauren Faust wrote the character after a Star Trek binge.
Well clearly ye're both experts on this show neither of ye have watched.
Well yea, the internet is full of experts in things they've never experienced, where've you been?
Yeah I have to say that from what I've seen of MLP, it's fairly respectable. Not so much my thing & not on par with Adventure Time, but respectable. And **** it, now that Gabe is actually a 'plus sized' 'neckbeard' I think it's rad as hell that he's just like 'yeah I'm a brony.' If I grow up to be a plus sized neckbeard I hope that I give so few ****s that I can openly admit to watching shit like My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, that is what I hope
You forgot the part where he is filthy, filthy rich.
Gabe is like Steve Jobs, if Steve Jobs wasn't an intolerable, bipolar asshole.
I think Gabe mostly references the brony stuff because it seems to be quite a large deal at Valve, with a lot of people being bronies and a lot of others despising everything about MLP.

On a slight tangent, Erik Wolpaw is one goofy dude. I don't remember where it is exactly but I was watching some interview with him where he talks about the Valve snack room and how he doesn't like the communal trailmix and how he puts his butter in a brown paper bag so nobody gets bits of jelly in it and how he thinks the woman who tends to the snack area must hate him because she refuses to acknowledge his existence. He's just a bit odd in a very endearing way (which is probably what makes him so funny... I miss OMM).