why was krynn banned?

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Inquiring minds wish to know... but I'm guessing a) spam and b) this thread will be locked soon.
it IS only temporary, Ennui said he would be back in a couple weeks.

Reason still unknown.
Krynn was banned for spamming? he spams as much as the rest of us xD I guess he mustof really gotten up someones moderating kilt.
I have noticed that some of my posts are being deleted, even though they're completely relevant to the issue. For example, on a political thread I asked "why doesn't the US pull their soldiers out from Iraq" and it was deleted. One of you moderators doesn't seem to like me! I hope people aren't getting banned because of personal issues. This is not garry's mod forum anyway.
"why doesn't the US pull their soldiers out from Iraq"

That's liable to start a flame war, and since you likely didn't provide any intelligent argument one way or the other, wasn't productive in any possible way. I'm betting THAT's the reason it got deleted. You may as well start a thread called "What should we do about gay marriage, abortion, gun control and the war in Iraq?".
That's no excuse people should still beable to convey their opinion, even if someone can't resist the temptation to flame his stance, that's not his problem. Maybe the forum has been taken over by neo-con gamers :O ssh
That's liable to start a flame war, and since you didn't likely didn't provide any intelligent reason on way or the other, wasn't productive in any possible way. I'm betting THAT's the reason it got deleted.

you are right, and I know it might have looked like a provocative post. But hereby, I Seppo, declare that it wasn't.

maybe I should've asked "I'm wondering what is the reason why the US doesn't simply pull out their soldiers?". The outcome looks more polite and neutral that way. Oh well, haha, kinda stupid to analyse such a minor issue.
There's some strange happenings goin' on around here.....
you are right, and I know it might have looked like a provocative post. But hereby, I Seppo, declare that it wasn't.

maybe I should've asked "I'm wondering what is the reason why the US doesn't simply pull out their soldiers?". The outcome looks more polite and neutral that way. Oh well, haha, kinda stupid to analyse such a minor issue.

Well the bigger issue is that it has already been discussed ad-nausium in several dozen (hundred?) threads, and nothing particularly new has happened to warrant any new discussion about it. It's a hint to use the search function and read up or pay more attention to the news ;)
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