Wich was more challenging?

Which was more challenging???

  • Half-life 1

    Votes: 23 47.9%
  • Halo 1

    Votes: 16 33.3%
  • Neither / I dont care

    Votes: 9 18.8%

  • Total voters


Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
We have been arguing in another thread about which game is more challenging. I wanted to see what all of you thought.

Which game was more challenging to you half-life 1, or halo 1.

DO not post, or vote in the poll - if you have not played both games.
I found Halo more challenging than Half-Life. and NOT because it was poorly balanced or had bad controls, it was just a helluva lot more frantic and required more of you as a player.
Halo, becuase I hate xbox controlers, if were talking halo pc then hl was harder
Halo was certainly more difficult, Half-Life was most definitely more interesting. Which was better? Half-Life in my opinion. Then again, we ARE on a forum hosted by HALFLIFE2.net... eh em.
Farcry was one of the few PC games that I found to be pretty difficult. Counsle games always seem to be tougher, partly because I find the controls to be more difficult, not that I don't enjoy them still.

However, as far as Half-Life and Halo is concerned, I agree, Halo was definitely more difficult than Half-Life no matter what mode you played it on. Even easy mode was probably "harder," to a moderate extent, although it's not like Halo was extremely difficult, just more than HL.
For me, I played HL when it first came out and back then we hadn't seen many other examples of this type of first person shooter.

I didn't play Halo until I landed a copy on the PC as I was never interested in the xbox version.

Over the last several years of high speed action games we've all shared in, Halo didn't come to me as anything really hard or different. It was still fun to play but it didn't feel hard as it wasn't inovative really as a PC game since so many others had similar action and I played a lot of LAN/online games so Halo didn't present a high level of challenge. That's just me because many of my other friends felt Halo was much harder.

And Viper, I agree with you on FarCry. I played the second hardest diff level and got my ass handed to me many times :) That was good times.

Conversely, Far Cry on the medium level was too easy to me so I couldn't nail down the right balance but overall I loved that game.
Im talking about actuall gameplay, enemy ai etc.

Not crappy controls. If were talking about controls then every console game would be more challenging.
I beat Halo overnight when I rented an XBOX with a friend of mine. It wasn't really hard at all. The only part we hard trouble with was the level where you had to get the index, in that big tower with the blue... orb thingy flying around humming. And it was even easier when I played it on the PC with a mouse.

Half-life was definitely more challenging.
Neither was a hard game. Both were fairly easy.
Halo on pc was a joke on hardest settings. Neither were terribly difficult, but I mean come on the hardest part of halo was in the tower for the index, and that was a complete joke, it just lasted FOREVER!
halo was DEFINATLY 10 times harder at least. The fact that you couldnt quicksave, the poor framerates (back then, compared to hl1), and the fact that the game was based more on shooting things than hl made it much much harder. I can beat hl1 in a few hours at a lesiurely pace on hard. Try and do the same with halo.
Wow, more people think that H-L was more challenging? I thought Halo's Legendary (PC version) would beat H-L's Hard hands down.