Wierd problem in Half-Life:Source


Sep 23, 2005
Reaction score
Ok, I just bought HL:S on steam. When I start it up, it says "Node graph building out of date" or something. I've heard of this problem happening with cracked versions. I DID buy the game.
Very odd :O

I'll see if I can dig up a solution

EDIT : Found this on a shady warez forum :
Add :

ai_norebuildgraph 1

to the file config.cfg, located in the cfg directory.
Well, the AI aren't disabled. I just get that message. I can still play. It says it's rebuilding the graph.
jsnake said:
Well, the AI aren't disabled. I just get that message. I can still play. It says it's rebuilding the graph.
Nodes are used by the AI to navigate around maps :p
So is there a problem? The people move and the monsters attack. I don't like seeing that message though.
Where does it show?
Try typing in "developer 0"
At the start-up screen, at the top. Where and how do I type that? Also, the background image isn't always the level I'm on. It was Zen once. Is it supposed to be like this?
Not really :/
And press the tilde (~) key to view the console.
developer 1 shows the console output. developer 0 removes this from the screen.

And have you added it to the config?
Where in the config do I put it? Also, the message has gone away on it's own, but the background title image isn't the level I'm in.
You just put it on a new line. The config file is called 'config.cfg' and is located in the 'cfg' directory.
Nope didn't work. I got Zen again. I'm right after the experiment.
jsnake said:
Nope didn't work. I got Zen again. I'm right after the experiment.
Oh, that :p

Well it's probably a cfg file that is loaded wrong. Is it so bothersome?
Not really. I would like my new game to work the way it's supposed to though.
jsnake said:
Not really. I would like my new game to work the way it's supposed to though.
Well, try filing a support ticket at Steam support :p
They usually take a really long time to respond. I sent a support ticket for another problem (Which was fixed recently) and it's been over a month.
jsnake said:
They usually take a really long time to respond. I sent a support ticket for another problem (Which was fixed recently) and it's been over a month.
Well, telling me about it isn't going to do anything about the problem :p
Ok, I sent a ticket. I hope they don't think I'm a pirate. I really did buy the game. :(