Wierd Screen problem


Oct 7, 2004
Reaction score
I just exited bf2 after playing for less than an hour, when on ext at the windows screen, half the screen was blurred and half fine.
Not my vid card, cos when i turned off my screen and back on again it was fine, but now there's that smell of 'new monitor' but really strong throughout my room- like something has burnt- i can see any problems yet, but is this bad?
btw: Monitor is a Samsung Syncmaster 753DFX and is less than 10 months old- still under warranty.
It must be your video card. Its been giving the moniter way too much energy.

Samsung has no problems. Samsung is teh best.
hehe it surely cant be my vid card- if i turn my monitor off then on and its fine?
My vid card it pretty l33t, so your explanation has some credit, but surely not that?
Any other ideas? It still smells really wierd in here....
15357 said:
It must be your video card. Its been giving the moniter way too much energy.

Samsung has no problems. Samsung is teh best.
Don't listen to him, he's korean.
what gfx card do u have and drivers i dont think its the montior
If it's an LCD then it could be the monitor. I've never seen a CRT blur only half the monitor before. lol

I'd make sure ya act before the warrenty is up. Call em or something and see if it's the monitor.
yeah its CRT- wierd aye?
Thing is, its only happened once, and i think its got a 3 year warranty- plenty of time left if it f**ks out on me.