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Haha Soulslicer, I play shithead all the time. It's a common game here in Wales.
Yeah, here in Sweden too. It seems like there's a million differenct set of rules.
Person 1: What's the integral of 1/cabin?
Person 2: Log cabin.
Person 1: No, a houseboat – you forgot to add the c!

Taken from Mathematical joke. I lol'ed :(
Shit head is an awesome card game. But yeah, I swear there is different rules for each area of the country or something :D
Shit head is an awesome card game. But yeah, I swear there is different rules for each area of the country or something :D
Yeah like in our school there was:
2 - on anything obviously
7 - Invisible
8 - Next person along Miss a go
9 - Lower Than (can work on any card)
10 - Bang/burn the deck

But this girl in my flat in Uni has different rules completely. Very hard to get used to.
I wanted to link the Lorena Bobbit wiki since it had a pic of a snipped penis held up by an attorney. Alas, it has been removed. :(
Yeah like in our school there was:
2 - on anything obviously
7 - Invisible
8 - Next person along Miss a go
9 - Lower Than (can work on any card)
10 - Bang/burn the deck

But this girl in my flat in Uni has different rules completely. Very hard to get used to.

I play it exactly like this, cracking game. Do you allow two 5's to burn the pack too?