Wii Motionplus / Microsoft Netflix / Sony woes


Jul 4, 2003
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So at E3 this year, nintendo introduced the wii motionpus add on. I was just wondering if anyone else is as pissed off about this as me. So year(s) after the wii launches they decide to SELL me a peripheral that will supposedly make my wiimote do what they told me it was supposed to do in the first place...

Doesn't anyone remember the "redsteel sword moves exactly like you do" talk, the multiple videos of people playing wii using the controller and having the characters mimick them precisely, etc. etc.

And one other thing, why is microsoft adding netflix to xbox a big deal? First of all, you have to pay for Live, and internet connection and a netflix account. Ok fine, but if you had a netflix account, chances are you already own a pc, so why bother? Sony introduces movie rentals, and it WORKS. I don't have to subscribe to any more service, I pay as I go with real money, not points that I'll never be able to fully spend, and I don't have to pay for PSN to look for movies to watch. So microsoft doesn't have an advantage in my opinion, psn now has trophy/achievments, movie store, home/avatars way before microsoft announced them, an ALREADY user friendly interface/storefront, microsoft touts its games advantage but sans halo - mass effect is on pc, bioshock is coming to ps3, gears of war is pc, every game they showed at e3 besides fable/gears of war 2 is multiplat (and knowing gow, it will be on pc in the months to follow)....

Don't misunderstand, Sony has huge flaws, there is a lack of great titles, the price point on the console is high (but getting better, and for a blu player, its actually a best buy), their marketing sucks, they do have some nice exclusives uncharted, heavenly sowrd, mgs, killzone, lbp, gow etc, but it is all on the horizone (except mgs)... The loss of final fantasy exclusivity does blow for sony fans, but seriosly we STILL get the game. The psn games store is lacking a little, but some titles like the last guy, fat princess, ragdoll kung fu etc should pep it up. All I know is ps3 doesn't redring, my "live" doesn't cost me anything and is loads of functional and fun, I just wish they would stop promising these big titles and start shipping them to stores!

TL;DR all systems suck, some less than others - I like my ps3
And one other thing, why is microsoft adding netflix to xbox a big deal? First of all, you have to pay for Live, and internet connection and a netflix account. Ok fine, but if you had a netflix account, chances are you already own a pc, so why bother?

I'm not even a Netflix member and I'm interested in Netflix on Live.

You don't have to pay for Live. There's a Silver membership which is free, and all it lacks is multiplayer in games. Everything else is included (game demos, download-able content, etc.). Gold you pay for which includes multiplayer.

And why would I bother? If I already had a Netflix account, all I'd have to do is go through Xbox Live and play a movie on my TV which, if it isn't in the living room already, I could move to the living room and watch movies with my family instead of: 1) waiting for a DVD in the mail; 2) having everyone crowded around my computer monitor.

Your entire post is just Xbox/Wii hating and it makes you look like a PS3 owning, my system is better than yours douchebag.
I'm just pissed bout that motionplus add-on because it seems like a necessary one. By them announcing this, it's basically saying,"Okay we lied before about the wiimote, but hey we got something to fix it."

Everything else doesn't bother me much.
I'm not even a Netflix member and I'm interested in Netflix on Live.

You don't have to pay for Live. There's a Silver membership which is free, and all it lacks is multiplayer in games. Everything else is included (game demos, download-able content, etc.). Gold you pay for which includes multiplayer.

And why would I bother? If I already had a Netflix account, all I'd have to do is go through Xbox Live and play a movie on my TV which, if it isn't in the living room already, I could move to the living room and watch movies with my family instead of: 1) waiting for a DVD in the mail; 2) having everyone crowded around my computer monitor.

Your entire post is just Xbox/Wii hating and it makes you look like a PS3 owning, my system is better than yours douchebag.
You need to be a Gold subscriber to use the Netflix service, but honestly, who that has a 360 isn't already a Gold member?

Source: http://gizmodo.com/5025126/netflix-on-xbox-360-quick-impressions

Wii was definitely a stupid add-on with lackluster games.

PS3 had somewhat of a price drop and uhh... movie downloads I guess?

360 had a new interface, avatars, and Netflix.

I mean there wasn't anything huge for any console, but I think they all still did alright.
Doh. I was wrong then. That is a pretty big deal breaker for those who don't have Gold.
Doh. I was wrong then. That is a pretty big deal breaker for those who don't have Gold.

Considering every person I know that has a 360 has Gold, it isn't really that big of a deal. I mean honestly, EVERYONE I know has Gold.
To clarify, I own a ps3, wii, and have access to a 360 at a friends whenever I want to borrow it...

I've never bought a 360 though, as EVERYONE I know with a 360 has had to get it fixed because of red ring, at least once (one guy 6 times).

Sorry if my post made me look like a douche bag... Exactly how?
Maybe it was my reading. HL2.net is littered with posters who come into any console thread and spout PS3 shit. It's not you.
To clarify, I own a ps3, wii, and have access to a 360 at a friends whenever I want to borrow it...

I've never bought a 360 though, as EVERYONE I know with a 360 has had to get it fixed because of red ring, at least once (one guy 6 times).

Sorry if my post made me look like a douche bag... Exactly how?

okay nice to know but please keep redundant posts to yourself.

I own an xbox360 and know 20 people in person, acquintances and close friends that own xbox360's Plus the other bunch of xbl friends and only 2 have had rrod from their first gen xbox 360's. See what I did here?
Don't forget that MS adds the ability to copy the games to your HDD, so you don't need to listen to that dvd-drive anymore plus the discs won't get scratched. Best news by far this year! \o/
If you have a PC, go to your nearest public library, and inquire about movie downloads.

Here is the one I got with my small local library:

download video - anytime - anywhere

On-Demand Video

more than 500 videos covering a wide variety of interests...

new programming every week

It's Free once you have a library membership, which is also free. Just walk in.
Don't forget that MS adds the ability to copy the games to your HDD, so you don't need to listen to that dvd-drive anymore plus the discs won't get scratched. Best news by far this year! \o/
Not for all the suckers with a 20GB (me :() drive or none at all (arcade).

And all of the conferences were lacking. No Alan Wake for MS, no Kid Icarus for Nintendo, and no ultra-secret-Phil-Harrison-found-game-that-makes-journalists-rave or Rockstar Sony exclusive (not LA Noire) for PS3. Big deal: streaming movies (I do that with my PS3 now), better motion for the Wii with an add-on (there had better be a damn good video online demonstrating exactly how much better things will be with this), movie downloads and a wait-for-it Home integration. PUH-LEEZE.

I am sure they all have great stuff coming, but for now they all have reached a relatively unexciting lull.
To clarify, I own a ps3, wii, and have access to a 360 at a friends whenever I want to borrow it...

I've never bought a 360 though, as EVERYONE I know with a 360 has had to get it fixed because of red ring, at least once (one guy 6 times).

Sorry if my post made me look like a douche bag... Exactly how?

Never had the red ring mahself.
I've never had it either and my 360 is a launch console :p
I've never bought a 360 though, as EVERYONE I know with a 360 has had to get it fixed because of red ring, at least once (one guy 6 times).
Tell him to stop playing it in a closet. Under a pile of sweaters. Next to an open fire.