Wii related question.


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
If I was to download an old Nintendo game for SNES/NES/N64 where does it store this? I know the onboard memory is very small and the memory cards aren't massive. Would I have to buy extra storage in some form in order to enjoy this feature?
Most of the games are tiny. You can some relatively big cards to store games on.
The Wii has a slot for SD cards for storage, you can get them pretty cheap. The onboard flash memory is 512 MB. Keep in mind once you purchase a game you can download it as many times as you want, so the storage space really isnt that big of a deal, but I can see it being a hassle.
i like that you can store your mii on your controller.
I've got Mario 64 on my Wii, it takes up about 300 blocks (out of 2600) so there is still pleanty of room for more.