Wiiware developer says XBLA is full of shit games

Dec 2, 2004
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A little friendly trash-talk is to be expected between game developers and their various digital distribution platforms, but one anonymous WiiWare developer seems fiercely devoted to the potential of Nintendo's platform, calling Xbox Live Arcade's lineup "full of sh*t."

The comment comes from a discussion of Nintendo's aggressive strategy for bringing developers to the WiiWare platform. According to Develop Magazine, Nintendo is taking advantage of frustrations with Microsoft's service to entice developers over to WiiWare. According to the anonymous developer, the sheer glut of retro titles on XBLA makes it difficult for new properties to stand out (a grievance similarly aired by Jeff Minter following poor sales of his retro-styled title Space Giraffe).

Of course, any digital distribution platform is bound to eventually find itself congested with titles, a problem the brick-and-mortar retail chains have dealt with for years. Only after some time will we be able to see if WiiWare handles this title saturation any differently than XBLA.
Oh the irony.... :|
Read this a few days ago. I agree to an extent (ie - flooding the service with shitty retro re-hashes), but I don't see how much better it'll be on the Wii when they're still going right up against Virtual Console - which is just as guilty of this if not more. Even if they're "seperate" in a way, they're still both on the Shop channel and both use the same points system, at the most it's just a bit more clear-cut. I don't see how this will channel what people spend their money on just because they know it's indie or whatever.

Will Wiiware games have demos? VC games don't, but presumably they just rely on people already having played/heard of the games for sales. Wiiware games won't have that luxury, with the exception of that Final Fantasy game which will sell on the strength of it's license alone.

Also, they were surprised Space Giraffe didn't sell well? That was a niche game at best. :|
They are all (PSN,XBLA,WW) or in the case of WW will soon be full of sh!t games. They all also have some really sweet and wonderful games. It is just a question of how much you want to sift through to get the gold.
Paid shill rags on competition? No way? :dozey:
WiiWare sounds better than Xblah so i agree with him!