Wikipedia Accuracy!!

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Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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Found this on Shoutwire, gave me a chuckle.
I have seen the news report dozens of times in the past 24 hours. Wikipedia editor “Essjay”, who is described as one of Wikipedia’s most trusted editors, lied about his background. Really? Someone on the Internet lied about their background? Shocking, no? Apparently Essjay claimed to hold a PhD in theology at a private university. In reality, he’s a college dropout who loves Justin Timberlake. This is seen as a huge blow to Wikipedia’s credibility.

So how accurate is Wikipedia? If you believe the mainstream media (and certain college professors), the site is rife with misinformation and vandalism. Professors and teachers are now forbidding their students from using Wikipedia as a source. I have been using Wikipedia for some time and have always thought that the information there was fairy accurate. Just to be sure though, I decided to verify the accuracy of a few articles on subjects that I am familiar with. I have graded the results based on accuracy.
Thing is... the guy evaluated the articles based not on their accuracy, but on their amount of information given.
The entire point of wikipedia is that you update or correct information that is inaccurate. The simple fact that he is writing articles bitching about it, rather than fixing it shows he dosen't deserve to use it, much less complain about it.

Overall, his article is a D-
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