Wild Hogs


Jan 19, 2004
Reaction score
Any of you seen this? What's the actual story behind it?
The commericals left me wondering "So, wheres the story?". I'm guessing it's got a pretty basic storyline "Go on Road Trip, someone gets in some trouble, omfgz, yay everyones better, go home, the end".

Probably wont see it.
Looks like shit. $38 million in the box office this weekend, while Zodiac did $13 million. Shows that people will rather watch shit.
Sounds like a real winner!

"The movie has exactly four laughs."

"... low octane comedy running on fumes."

"If you listen closely, you can hear your brain cells fizzling."

"As stupid and bad as the movie gets, there'll still be people out there who find it hilarious."

"Wild Hogs has little story and even less characterization to its stereotyped players."

"Wild Hogs is an oinker. Feeding us slops of dud comedy are stars who ought to know better by now."
It's another Hollywood hodgepodge of trite PC comedy. Anyone who sees this movie deserves to get AIDS.
I had to see this instead of 300. Worst [however long it is] in my life. T_T
Looks like shit. $38 million in the box office this weekend, while Zodiac did $13 million. Shows that people will rather watch shit.

Or it might show that some parents are pansies and don't want to take their kids to a MANS movie with serial killers or Spartans.
Like I said to my friend who was considering seeing this, watching washed-up Hollywood rejects act like washed-up motorcycle rejects is not my idea of fun.