will Crysis run on my PC?


Oct 7, 2007
Reaction score
hi guys was wondering if it's wortyh spending money on this game but inly if its runs nice.

AMD64 3800
3 gigs of ram
and a 5.1 sound card

what do you think?
I made this not to brag,I was confused by the Hardware requirements because it says minium 2.8ghz I think, i only have 2.2ghz though :-\
Doesn't that refer to a single core processor though?

/me not very technically able.
It will run terrible in my opinion.

I had:
AMD 3500+ (@2.2ghz)
1gb DDR
Nvid 8800GTS

I could run it medium with 15-25fps, it looked horrible on medium settings too, unfortunately it isn't like HL2 or UT3 where lower graphics still maintain quality. Crysis for me was, run it high or don't run it at all.
hi guys was wondering if it's wortyh spending money on this game but inly if its runs nice.

AMD64 3800
3 gigs of ram
and a 5.1 sound card

what do you think?
Probably not. You should consider investing in a quad core whatever, 38.0Ghz ultra-cooled with 20gigs of RAM, and a 10GB VRAM multi-GPU video card of some type, and an AI installed that knows twenty different languages. Nah, just kidding:laugh: If you have the money, I'd get a DX10 video card though, to take full advantage of it's beauty.
Dont bother upgrading for ONE game. Ur rig will play COD4, Orange Box, UT3 ad Assasin Creed just fine. By the time ur done with tem Crysis will be like waht FarCry is to us all now.... OLD news
Exactly, screw farcry. It's not goty material anyway, it's just fancy graphics that's it.
Come on guys, his rig will run Crysis fine, of course not everything on high, but I would guess almost medium atleast, if not with low almost everyone can run it. I have 2gb ram, gf 7950gt, athlon 64 3500+ and Crysis beta ran somewhat good on low (AND the beta wasn't really optimised or anything so I would think it should work on medium when the full version comes out, if not, **** it).
hi guys was wondering if it's wortyh spending money on this game but inly if its runs nice.

AMD64 3800
3 gigs of ram
and a 5.1 sound card

what do you think?

In my opinion your system will not be able to run it in an acceptable way. Crysis is a game for high-end machines.
In my opinion your system will not be able to run it in an acceptable way. Crysis is a game for high-end machines.
Agreed. Don't expect it to look as pretty as it does in the magazines or play as well as on the videos if you still want to get it.
I am going to skip this altogether until I upgrade to a multicore pc with a dx10 gpu. Sad though...I desperately want that Sandbox editor to create my virtual vacation!!!
Come on guys, his rig will run Crysis fine, of course not everything on high, but I would guess almost medium atleast, if not with low almost everyone can run it. I have 2gb ram, gf 7950gt, athlon 64 3500+ and Crysis beta ran somewhat good on low (AND the beta wasn't really optimised or anything so I would think it should work on medium when the full version comes out, if not, **** it).

thx man
Yeah, I have almost the exact same specs, only with 2GB Ram, and it worked pretty well. Enough to hold me over until the next time I build a PC.