Will CS:S beta be first come:first serve?


Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
Will there be a limit on the beta testers for cs:s?
Or if you have cz are you guarnteed to be able to test it?
Pauly said:
Will there be a limit on the beta testers for cs:s?
Or if you have cz are you guarnteed to be able to test it?

If this is what's making you doubt buying CZ I say go for it, you won't regret it ;)
lol , no i have had CZ since like april. actually 2 copies(2 computers) one retail and one steam. Im wondering because steam ususally releases updates on wednesdays' and tomorrow im going down by columbus OH. and the next week or 2 ill be up in canada (2 trips) So i didnt want to lose a beta spot, because if im home when its coming out ill be one of the first to click on it.
Now all we need is for the beta to come out. Come on VALVe, we have nothing to do ;)! It's getting close to their RC date, and if Gabe said they wanted to beta the source engine, they better get the beta out of the door quick :thumbs:
I have one question. Does the games panel auto update while steam is open, or does it only change every time steam is rebooted... cos I only re-boot my machine once every blue moon.