Will Half-Life 2 go Gold tomorrow?


May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Since tomorrow is the first court thingy Valve has against Vivendi and today they updated steam with "preparations for half life 2 offers" and with CSS being released today and with them publicing the pricing details for steam... could HL2 go gold tomorrow?

Spidey sense say's yes.
no one in this forum knows...HOW COULD WE? are we gabe newell? no!
there are speculations about gold date EVERY day...im gettin tired of this...
It would make sense to announce gold + a release date tomorrow. Though sense and logic has no rightful place in the world of Half-Life 2.

You want your consumer to KNOW when they're going to get their product. At this point in time it's shrouded in ambiguity. It's unprofessional and ridiculous, all Vivendi's fault btw.
Well.... Source is finished and approved by VUG (otherwise CS running on the Source engine couldn't be released), CS:S is finished and approved. So on what grounds could VUG turn the HL2 rc down? Valve probably has higher quality standard than VUG, I doubt they are gonna find gameplay errors (even the reviewers didn't find any).
The more Vivendi delays the gold announcement, the more customers they are going to lose.
Without any concrete retail date on the horizon, the Steam purchase with the attached CSS seems right now too attractive for any HL fan.

I hope it´ll be soon.
no one in this forum knows...HOW COULD WE? are we gabe newell? no!
there are speculations about gold date EVERY day...im gettin tired of this...

No sh*t

yes.. it's going GOLD tomorrow.
A man can dream.......(women can also dream, i'm no racist you know)
hildigrim said:
A man can dream.......(women can also dream, i'm no racist you know)

I think the word your looking for is 'sexist'

RTC - Correcting words since 1803
A man can dream.......(women can also dream, i'm no racist you know)

GAHAHAHAHA. Ha. *ahem*

Obvious point 1: They'll announce gold as soon as it happens.

Obvious point 2: They want gold as soon as possible. Platinum'd do too.

Obvious point 3: Vivendi/Valve still subconciously want to screw each other over.

Obvious point 4: Vivendi is evil.

Obvious point 5: I'm getting sick of typing "obvious point". Kinda pretentious. Now, who wants to buy a hat?
hildigrim said:
A man can dream.......(women can also dream, i'm no racist you know)

men and women are usually the same race ;)

oh and on-topic: could be, but since it's not out for at least a month why bother? lean back enjoy the ride..
no it wont, stop posting these threads plz
Well VUG can't keep bending over for VALVe so I can't imagine it being much longer. IMHO and all that.
Yes of course, thanks for correcting me, I'm only a dutch-speaking belgian you know :cheers:
With Valve taking preorders over Steam with the added incentive of being able to play Counter Strike: Source now, I would say it is in VUG's best interest to release the retail version as soon as humanly possible. At the very least, they need to announce a firm release date.

As it stands now, however, Steam definitely has my money. gg VUG no re.
fez said:
no it wont, stop posting these threads plz

This time, it actually can go gold. Because Valve and Vivendi are in the midst of a legal battle, and tomorrow they have their first court hearing where they will talk about some stuff.
The_Monkey said:
As are blacks and whites. :imu:

owned :)

Some people actually still think that black people are a different race. Sad.

Ontopic: Who knows?
I know we all hate vivendi, because they're the man and they're keeping us down.

But even Doug Lombardi said that they "hope to send the final version to VUG soon". Obviously, VUG found some things wrong with half-life 2. Maybe some of it is nitpicky, or maybe they found serious flaws. Either way, I doubt all issues will be fixed before the game goes to retail. So instead, VUG has set the release date for HL2 as November 23rd. And Valve has until late october, early november, to fix as many nit picky things as they can, and then VUG will announce GOLD around November 9th.

And that's best case scenario. It's still possible HL2 won't see the light of day till next spring.

Keep those waiting hats on.
I think they're waiting to say "Gold!"... They are first producing hella lot's of DVD's / CD's. So, when it will go gold, its releasedate won't be like another 2 months. If it will go gold, it will take just two weeks to get it available in every store in the world.
They want to play HALO2 first, and steal some good ideas..
(beacuse valve sux at new ideas)

edit: oh, and that would mean: HL2 2005

shut up <Jap Person>
hahahaha.. no HL2 for you my friend.. sorry
She said:
They want to play HALO2 first, and steal some good ideas..
(beacuse valve sux at new ideas)

edit: oh, and that would mean: HL2 2005

shut up :sniper: <Jap Person> :angry:
pixartist said:
no one in this forum knows...HOW COULD WE? are we gabe newell? no!
there are speculations about gold date EVERY day...im gettin tired of this...

Thats so true. Everyday someone finds some reason why hl2 might go gold.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Thats so true. Everyday someone finds some reason why hl2 might go gold.

There's a brand new reason today: CS:S's release! ;)
She said:
They want to play HALO2 first, and steal some good ideas..
(beacuse valve sux at new ideas)

edit: oh, and that would mean: HL2 2005

hahahaha.. no HL2 for you my friend.. sorry

go die u stupid troll
Guys the court hearing has been rescheduled for December 31st , nice date, I bet guys at VU and Valve didn't have anything better to do around those times lol, but seriously the latest article by gamespot, the one which has been quited about doug talking release dates at the end, informs as of the rescheduling.
Also could I join the shut up <Jap Person> clan???
This reminds me of a song by Queens of the stone age called No one knows :D
Logically, it would make sense. But doubtful. Like Fusion said on page one, sense and logic has no rightful place in the world of Half-Life 2.
I like Cheese.
But there is a point to this statement.
It's as irrelevant as making guessed statements about HL2.
No person out side of Valve/VUG knows whats going on, infact as they are locked in court battles, i doubt they even know whats going on.
If they come to an agreement it might be out next week. If it gets heated, it could go on for months.
Valve have chosen not to make many public statements as it adds to all the hype and more hype is more sales in the long run.
I am a Marketing Divisional Manager for a major Games company, and TBH we have heard nothing, and even if we had information, with all the other guesswork rumors flying around, Who would believe us??
Oh and another thing, prediction sales for HL2 retail are only 1/10th of the sales compaired to the worlds best selling game Sims 2.
Sad init??
It'll be out when it's out
$h@dow said:
I like Cheese.
But there is a point to this statement.
It's as irrelevant as making guessed statements about HL2.
No person out side of Valve/VUG knows whats going on, infact as they are locked in court battles, i doubt they even know whats going on.
If they come to an agreement it might be out next week. If it gets heated, it could go on for months.
Valve have chosen not to make many public statements as it adds to all the hype and more hype is more sales in the long run.
I am a Marketing Divisional Manager for a major Games company, and TBH we have heard nothing, and even if we had information, with all the other guesswork rumors flying around, Who would believe us??
Oh and another thing, prediction sales for HL2 retail are only 1/10th of the sales compaired to the worlds best selling game Sims 2.
Sad init??
It'll be out when it's out

... That IS sad. Do people really have lives that are boring enough that they have to go out and buy a -game- where you basically do the same things you could be doing for real? Yowsa. Pardon me, I must go and weep for humanity.