Will HL2DM Run well on this?

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Ok, well I'm about to order this PC, and am getting HL2 (mainly for HL2DM) and was wondering, how well it will run on this.

Ok, would HL2DM have bad lag on these specs. And would it be worth it to upgrade the AMD 64 3000 to a 3200 or 3400?

4 mbps connection
AMD Athlon 64 3000 CPU
ASUS K8V-X K8T800 Main Board
1024M DDR 400 Memory
SATA 160GB/8M/7200rpm HDD
ATX 400W Dual Fan Case Font USB
Yes, you would get framerate drops (or LAG as you call it)

Yes, those processor's are a very good improvement, but I wouldn't go with a 3400+. I would go with a 3500+ for the upgradability of the 939 socket. Of course, I don't know what socket the 3000+ is (Allways thought it was 939) you might not be able to do that without a motherboard change.

I would think that the biggest thing holding you back is your video card. Try to get something better like an x800 (those are getting cheap).
Hmmm, well I don't plan to play on high settings. I would go with a low res like 1024 or lower, and put the vid settings around medium, would it run ok on low-ping servers? I am a student, and don't have that much moulah, but thanks for your feedback.
You should be able to play HL2DM at 1024 with high settings at an ok fps. Maybe about 30 or 40. :)