Will NOT Install!



Just bought HL2 and it will not install for the life of me.

Barton 2500+
512mb DDR 333
NX6800 128Mb
2x200gb HDD
Forceware 66.93
Diect X 9.0c

I tried doing it like the instructions tell me to in the case. Doesn't work. So i tried opening steam, logged in and went to register game already purchased. After a click or 2 and entering the cd key im told to install hl2 now before i go any further. in goes the dvd and YET AGAIN it does not work.

I get as far as this ...


And no matter how long i leave it or how many times i click next i get NOTHING.

Im begining to wonder why i bothered as i can very easily get a warez version but instead im £35 out of pocket and have none!
DeJaY said:
Just bought HL2 and it will not install for the life of me.

Barton 2500+
512mb DDR 333
NX6800 128Mb
2x200gb HDD
Forceware 66.93
Diect X 9.0c

I tried doing it like the instructions tell me to in the case. Doesn't work. So i tried opening steam, logged in and went to register game already purchased. After a click or 2 and entering the cd key im told to install hl2 now before i go any further. in goes the dvd and YET AGAIN it does not work.

I get as far as this ...


And no matter how long i leave it or how many times i click next i get NOTHING.

Im begining to wonder why i bothered as i can very easily get a warez version but instead im £35 out of pocket and have none!

that happened to me. be absolutely certain that you have enough disk space on your drive. At least i didnt so i uninstalled some stuff and then it went on to the next step. (note: some people encounter even MORE problems during install if they choose to install CS:S. If i were u i wouldnt install it, instead i woudl do it through steam.)
Clear your temp files, and try copying the DVD to your hard drive and installing from there?
i doubt that would work. Copy protection doesnt let u do that i dont think.
Usually you can copy the files, but it'll try and safedisc or whatever from the cdrom. I've had this work for me a few times.
CTTcrew_MrBlue said:
stop being a troll, it doesnt help anyone and aggravates the situation.
stop calling the troll a troll, it doesn't help the situation and aggravates baby jebus :flame:

I would suggest clearing some disk space and closing any programs open on you system tray, I remeber when mine did that, I clicked NEXT and it took a good 2 minutes for it to go to the next step.

And don't worry, you're in for a long journey trying to install HL2, just wait until you have to authenticate and unlock with Steam :eek:
CTTcrew_MrBlue said:
stop being a troll, it doesnt help anyone and aggravates the situation.

quoted for emphasis.

Rafa 5.0 said:
And don't worry, you're in for a long journey trying to install HL2, just wait until you have to authenticate and unlock with Steam

quoted for emphasis.

DeJaY said:
Just bought HL2 and it will not install for the life of me.

Barton 2500+
512mb DDR 333
NX6800 128Mb
2x200gb HDD
Forceware 66.93
Diect X 9.0c

I tried doing it like the instructions tell me to in the case. Doesn't work. So i tried opening steam, logged in and went to register game already purchased. After a click or 2 and entering the cd key im told to install hl2 now before i go any further. in goes the dvd and YET AGAIN it does not work.

I get as far as this ...


And no matter how long i leave it or how many times i click next i get NOTHING.

Im begining to wonder why i bothered as i can very easily get a warez version but instead im £35 out of pocket and have none!

You either don't have enough HD space, or you need to install Steam and the game in the same drive.
problem solved ... dvdrw going to sleep - tried it in dvdrom and fired away - crashed 5 times the whole pc but 6th time lucky lol :)
Shouldn't it be possible to download the game from Steam after you have registered the cd-key?

For example think of this scenario:

You wipe your HD (think format) so you can install teh game from cd, or if u lost them (dumbass!!!) then log into steam and download it from there, providing you remember your username and password. If not you are the screwed one!!!

CATCH: say in 10 years you want to play hl2 again, steam might not be around, that means that...

1. You cant download the game like above
2. People that bought hl2 through steam wont be able to get it
3. People who bought it on CD wont be able to authenticate meaning you wont be able to play.

for 3. it would be cool if valve released a crack for their own game :p

EDIT: that was a cool 700th post :cheers: :E :thumbs: :cheese: :O :cool:
If Steam/Valve disappears, they will fix alternate locations to get the game. Auth was intended to be removed soon anyway. & if Steam goes away, Valve will most likely send out one last patch (think no-cd crack but no-steam instead) so we don't need Steam. One problem remains though. Servers for MP? OneSeeingEye? No thanks.
Hmmm that MP issue is interestiing... Maybe only steam will die. Who knows.

Auth was intended to be removed soon anyway

ok.... but how? I mean the actual "Authenticate this game" is written in stone when u install teh game from teh CDs, so how would they change what is on my CD? Meh, who know. Only time will tell.
For others that have this problem you may want to make sure you're installing to the C: drive. One of my friends had a similar problem where it wouldn't go past the DirectX install point because he had Steam installed on a drive other than his primary C: drive. His solution was to make some space on his primary hard drive, install Steam to it, and then install the game to the primary drive. After that he just moved everything over to his secondary drive and it worked fine.

Just a bit of info that someone may find useful.