Will one more "can my computer play this good?" topic hurt?



I know my 9700pro will do its job, but with all the AI and physics that complement this game I'm not so sure now about my CPU.
my rig is as follows:

P4 2.26 GHZ
Atlantis ATI 9700pro
512mb DDR (probably)

Physics seemed to slow my computer right down with Uneal tornement 2003. And everything seemed to slow down Unreal 2. But Doom 3 alpha did quite well!

So I'll put it simply. My CPU good or bad at all effects on at 1024 by 768 with no AA (don't want to push my luck)?
Dam it it won't let me delete this! Apparently this is'nt my post.
I'll just overclock if i have to.
Your computer couldn't play solitaire!! Unless you turned it on in which case it could play HL2 just fine
You will be able to do 1024x768 with all effects enabled (not necessarily AA and AF, but possibly), and 1280x1024 with all effects (but here only marginally, I would think).
Delete this thread!Delete this thread!Delete this thread!Delete this thread!Delete this thread!Delete this thread!Delete this thread!Delete this thread!Delete this thread!Delete this thread!Delete this thread!Delete this thread!Delete this thread!Delete this thread!
I already told you I tried to delete this but it was refused because it told me i was trying to edit other peoples messages.
so sorry AGAIN!