Will Smith portrait


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
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and I find it much better than painting of your imagination when you have such little understanding of color and lightning.

All great artist paint off a model! That's no bad thing ;)
Wow, if I remove the wiggly lines I can see him! Tis so cool!
I love the use of light and shade; the sketchy look really helps to blend in the colours. My only real criticism is the eyes, they look a bit too "tired"... Like when you get out of bed in the morning and you find yourself staring at a wall for a couple of minutes :)
Its really good, colours and shading seem excellent - its just the eyes. The eyes hold the strongest essence of characteristics and recognition (its a natural human thing) of a person, so when I draw I usually put my upmost effort into perfection of them. Seriously though man, thats a wicked picture, good job ;)
I've noticed that you advance a lot more if you draw from life rather than photos.