Will the Full version of cs: source run better then the beta?

Aug 3, 2004
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OK so i was playing source beta, i get about 15-20-30-40 fps, and its very playable, but a bit laggy. but my question is Will the Full version of cs: source run better then the beta? Ive heard that the source engine is done and valve will not optimize it no more? is this true? ty.Will valve make the full version of cs: source more optimized. ty
too bad you get 15-20-30-40 fps. I get about 40-42-46.4-50.1-56-70-90.7-100.246-120 fps.
I used to get


now I get


since the last update. I can't explain it.

And I mean even at lowest resolution, lowest settings, making sure EVERYTHING is off.
HAHA, every thread ends up in "I only get 20 fps now, OMGWTFBS"

Yeah, thats why its called a beta and not a demo........If you notice the servers usually restart every 20 minutes or so and at this time the info from that match is being sent to coders via steam so that they can see the in game problems and fix them through patches. Sometimes patches are good, sometimes not. No use complaining about a beta here, send a message to the coders through steam. Remember we are testers and our input helps to make the final product as great as possible.
The final game always runs better than the Betas. By the release, they will have optimized the game for every level of performance. SO to answer your question unlike the doofballs above, YES.
razorblade kiss said:
The final game always runs better than the Betas. By the release, they will have optimized the game for every level of performance. SO to answer your question unlike the doofballs above, YES.

Not always, I would see maybe that a full version runs better than the demo, but usually a beta without everything added would run better than the full version.
VodkA-HLC- said:
If you notice the servers usually restart every 20 minutes or so and at this time the info from that match is being sent to coders via steam so that they can see the in game problems and fix them through patches.

Actually, all that is is mp_timelimit. It has nothing to do with Steam, or sending data to VALVe.
i get anyting from 20-180 pathedic u say? yes of course
of course it will it will be a full version..

I sure hope so. I don't want to think I upgraded my computer for nothing.