Will there be a war between Georgia and Russia?


Jan 6, 2004
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What do you think, how dangerous for the peace in the world is this recent conflict between Georgia and Russia? Will the United States intervene, if there's going to be a armed conflict? And would the European Union stay neutral?
At the current state of things, no. In a few years time, perhaps.
And why do you think so? As the conflict is very recent, don't you think it's more likely to be sooner that later? ;)
For those who are confused and geographically challenged, he's not talking about the state.

I don't know whats going on between Georgia and Russia though, unfortunately.
I don't know whats going on between Georgia and Russia though, unfortunately.

Georgia has arrested 4 Russian officiers because they are supposedly spies. It's not a big conflict yet. I see it as part of the worsening ties between those two countries. Take for example the gas conflict a couple of months ago. That's why I think nothing will happen in the immediate future, but if more of these kind of incidents happen, stuff might get worse.
See, this is why I hate the American media. I haven't heard a whisper of this!
I do not know much about gorgia, but russia is the most powerful (or one of, anyways...) country of this region, I'd doubt that an open, full scale war will take place. That would be like saying that canada or mexico is going to attack the US.
A war? It would take 2 days to end it: One day to start it and one day for Georgia to surrender. They have what? 40 planes and a few divisions? It's nothing serious and the only reason USA is involved over there is because there is a gas line running through Georgia. The line makes up 1/8th of USA's import on gas.
That and well the usual: place a base in there. That's mostly why Russian troops still sit there.

Edit: Spies LOL. You can see it all from satellite, why would you need spies?
See, this is why I hate the American media. I haven't heard a whisper of this!

Yes, and Bobe Dole hates it when you talk in Third Country Perspective.
No. Russia could wtf pwn them in secounds.
I doubt this will escalate to open war - Russia will just keep on with the economic warfare (theyve banned the sale of several Georgian products) and give any Georgians in Russia a bit of a hard time.
How can the Russians have troops on Georgian soil, if they pretty much hate each other.
A war? It would take 2 days to end it: One day to start it and one day for Georgia to surrender. They have what? 40 planes and a few divisions? It's nothing serious and the only reason USA is involved over there is because there is a gas line running through Georgia. The line makes up 1/8th of USA's import on gas.
That and well the usual: place a base in there. That's mostly why Russian troops still sit there.

Edit: Spies LOL. You can see it all from satellite, why would you need spies?


“I can't tell you if the use of force in Iraq today will last five days, five weeks or five months, but it won't last any longer than that.” - Donald Rumsfeld
what does this have to do with the US?
you seem to bring in every thread on this board.
Because America is the awesomest country, duh.
Ever heard the story of the fox and the grapes? Well, stern is like the fox.

but not really, btw.
Stern ate too much that he got fat so had too go on a diet to be able to get under a fence?
Troops are in Georgia to stop America from putting its own base there, duuuuh?
Quite a Political board if no one knows the concept. Chechnya: you forget who powered that. I remember just before 9/11 how Americans on TV screamed with glee as "liberators" attacked Moscow with planted bombs. I guess you GET what you GIVE. = )
Russia is a totally totalitarian country which denies peoples freedoms at roots. Spies were needed to investigate how much power has the Georgian army. Someone here told that it would take 1 day for russians to make Georgia show the white flag - that is not true, Georgians are people who really like freedom... Russians - they don't even have normal army - it mostly consists of 18-19 yo boys who were forced to be there, conditions are extremely bad, it's even worse then in prison in here... World community is shocked of actions which russian took after their spies were arrested - they start large campaign against georgians living in russia - they deport everyone! even people with russian passports but georgian last names... And their first actions were to call russian ambassador our of geargia. Russia is, was and will be main soviet idologist and totalitarian country and I am really sorry for all normal Russian people (who share pro-western, European ideologies) who live there. Couple of days age someone killed famous Russian journalist who investigated everything related to Chechnja... most people think that that was birthday present for putin (the president).
....Do you even read?

Quite honestly, you’re the dumbest fool I’ve ever met on here. Free loving people? I am sure poisoning foreigners with its atrocious wine and buying illegal weapons from Soviet block countries using AMERICAN money is free loving. I am sure that back stabbing the people who feed you by attempting to get into “NATO” and robbing your own citizens of every human right and pleasure possible is free loving.
If you think Russians were “spying” that is foolish, nothing less to expect. All their ‘weapons’ can be seen from space, and don’t be so elitist to think only USA has satellites or something equally stupid. It’s quite obvious to any thinking man that the only thing Russia can monitor is the illegal weapon trade using American money. If it’s found true Georgia will be in deep trouble with America, so naturally they’d arrest Russians to get out of deep shit. Get your head out of your ass and start reading you conceited swine.