Will we be 'ON A RAIL' in HL2AM?



'ON A RAIL' was one of the most exciting stages in Half-Life. You know what I'm talking about. The fact that you were in control a train car in an era where driveable vehicles were unheard of in FPS games . Taking the train car out for a spin, ducking behind the control panel to dodge incoming fire, mowin down aliens, Shooting track switch signs to change tracks.. you didnt forget that, did you?

so When I saw the first train in HL2, I was so awed I almost didnt mind being run over. Civil protection is gunning for you in the trainyard and amidst the gunfire you hear a train. Its getting louder and Doppler tells you that its not just background music and you're sure its headed in your direction.

I must say I was waiting for a pimped out train ride somewhere. I came across train tracks a lot of places but nothin that I could ride ;( . Sure enough, there was a train cart fitted with blade to slice up zombies(what was that all about?).

I mean no disrespect to HL2 vehicles.The dune buggy and airboat were fine in their own areas respectively. But what about a train ride? I mean they coulda easily fitted in a small train ride out of Ravenholm.

I hope they come up with a level on the lines of 'ON A RAIL' in HL2:Aftermath. The Source engine is capable of so much more!
I HATED On A Rail. HATED HATED HATED. What a piece of crap level in the entire history of Humankind

Besides, the boat in HL2 was supposed to be the new On A Rail
Oh how i hated that...Airboat level was also annoying, i didn't mined driving the buggy, but no On a Rail..NEVER AGAIN! :x
I thought the Xen stages were the piece of crap levels in the entire history of Humankind ...


LittleB when did you first play Half Life? For 1998 standards, i still think it was a pretty good level. Don't compare it with games that came out after 2000 ...

Besides, Boat and Rail are two different modes of transportation.
I'd have preferred On A Rail if you didn't actually have to control the train, but simply shoot from it.
And I liked the content of the Xen levels. Hated the gravity, and the reliance on jump puzzles. The concept of Xen was brilliant, though.

-Angry Lawyer
I actually didn't mind On A Rail much at all. But then, I was (and probably still am) a die-hard train fanatic.

Lambda was far less enjoyable for me. *shudders*
whats wrong with your people :p Xen was the best part in the game(No Joke) it looked cool, the gravity was fun, there wasn't one thing i disliked about it.
I'd have preferred On A Rail if you didn't actually have to control the train, but simply shoot from it.

Having to control the train and not being able to shoot was definitely one of the limitations of the old engine.

The HL2 engine will not not have this impediment. It has the potential to add much more functionality to the train.

Come on, Am I the only one who liked ON A RAIL??
GordonInOrbit said:
Come on, Am I the only one who liked ON A RAIL??

Nope. :p

On a Rail wasn't the best chapter in the game, but it was at least better than Lambda Core… *shrugs*…
And for the people who think ON A RAIL is all about being on a rail..

You are not on the train during the entire stage.

You get off frequently to combat marines and aliens, open gates, puzzles etc..

The train car also comes in handy for clearing out trip mines. you can just let it go on its own and catch up with it later when it stops at the gates.

You're free to take off on foot at any time unlike the dune buggy or airboat.

The train is not critical to level completion, but it does save a little walking time.

Why dont you go and play map c2a2.bsp if you haven't already...
I thought On a Rail was fun!

C'mon, launching the satellite......the fight through the entrenched Grunt positions, that "Die Freeman" haphazardly scrawled on a wall. Very cool level.
The creators tryed to replicate the train on "Dark Energy" and "Our Benafactors"
But they failed. Bring on a HL:DM train map!
I LOVED the airboat level. I'll never understand the complaints against that one.
i like driving vehicles in FPS games. Some people like walk the distances on foot. I enjoy running these people over.
On a rail... boo

Hated that...

Airboat... liked it for... the for a lil while. Did get boring though. tad too long.
No On a Rail. Please. I beg of you. The level stinks so badly that I almost wanted to puke. But more air boat levels would be nice.
lol, in HL1 done quicker, i saw a lil gimmick. You can skip the entire level by climbing up 1 floor from the start using tripmines as steps. Takes out about 95% of the lvl in 5 seconds :LOL:
i didnt think on a rail was that bad... it was pretty cool, just not my favorite level in the game. i didnt like the airboat section from HL2 much at all. and tbh i thought that, overall, HL1 was more fun than HL2
LittleB said:
I HATED On A Rail. HATED HATED HATED. What a piece of crap level in the entire history of Humankind

Besides, the boat in HL2 was supposed to be the new On A Rail
Edcrab said:
But then, I was (and probably still am) a die-hard train fanatic.
<Holds gun to Edcrab's head> Why this is practically a mercy killing...

I quite like On A Rail, but then I also liked Xen... What!? Don't look at me like THAT.
<Perfroms slo-mo whirl-and-gun-grab-move-thing> My ol' Grandad was a Rolling Stock Inspector for British Rail. THE POWER OF THE TRAIN COMPELS YOU! <gun goes off and removes fingertip. As for whose it was, take your pick>.

I didn't mind Xen either, or at least quite as much as other gamers. Lambda's tail end was what got to me. Bloody teleporter "puzzles"...
I liked Lambda also...
I think my least favourite was Apprehension, mainly because it featured Icthyosaurs. I'm not a fan of Icthyosaurs. Not even a little bit.
I dont want this small train car but some big locomotion !
You liked all of Lambda and Xen?

It was your fingertip that went. All of them. And your head. And people call me a rabid fanboy... :eek:
Fingertip? What? And I'm not a rabid fanboy, I just liked those bits... You can be so cruel sometimes, you know that?
I quite liked On a Rail, mainly because of teh garg, and teh scientists running around screaming.

They were funny. Especially when Garg stepped on them.
Jintor said:
I quite liked On a Rail, mainly because of teh garg, and teh scientists running around screaming.

They were funny. Especially when Garg stepped on them.

I can't remember there were a Garg in "On a Rail"?

Perhaps you are thinking of “Power Up”? It’s the chapter right before “On a Rail”.
The problem with the Airboat level was it was WAY to long, it was fun at times but one of my lest favorite, possibly the worst, next to Highway 17 which was to long and boring...

I don't see what was wrong with Xen, if someone would care to explain...
Megalomaniac said:
I don't see what was wrong with Xen, if someone would care to explain...

Many didn't like the jumping puzzles it had.

But I thought Xen was a pretty cool area, and I hope Valve includes it in Aftermath as I would love to learn more about it.
el Chi said:
Fingertip? What? And I'm not a rabid fanboy, I just liked those bits... You can be so cruel sometimes, you know that?

You know? When you tried to carry out locomotive euthanasia and I overpowered you and someone's fingertip was blown off? It was yours. Yeah. Stick that in your Lamdba-loving pipe and smoke it!

What's ironic is that I didn't actually hate either section with a passion or anything- they were just, at least in my view, substandard compared to the rest of Half-Life. A bit like how OpFor ends with the clunky factory/warehouse section.

Oh, and yes, I'm cruel, but it's only 'cos you love it really.
I don't recall disliking any part of HL1 (or 2, for that matter). The first time I played them is always the best, so judging by which levels get the most replay, I would have to say that the extended jumping levels in HL1 I'll usually noclip through. Fun the first couple of times, though.
el Chi said:
I liked Lambda also...
I think my least favourite was Apprehension, mainly because it featured Icthyosaurs. I'm not a fan of Icthyosaurs. Not even a little bit.

Thats the reason i loved Apprehension so much - the Ichthyosaurs. Love em :naughty:
lol the first time i saw them, I crapped one lol... anyway On a Rail was good.. To me, Lambda core was good... Made a change from checking my back every 2 seconds if a Headcrab was there lol... Anyway It was better having some Puzzles lol
i thougth "on a rail" was a fun part in the game.
how did u not like it? :|
On a rail was awesome
The airboat was more awesome
The highway was boring
Xen was awesomely frustrating

Ooooh!! :O
I just had the BEST idea!

An airboat level ... ON XEN!! :cool:

It could have jumps where you have to leap from one asteroid with a glowing pool to another, but since the gravity is low you can make the jumps football-fields long. And I guess the airboat wouldn't work as well in the hypothetically-thin atmosphere Xen must have, so it'd have to be like ... a rocket boat! Yeah! Damn I need to write this sh*t down and send it to Valve :p

Edcrab said:
You know? When you tried to carry out locomotive euthanasia and I overpowered you and someone's fingertip was blown off? It was yours. Yeah. Stick that in your Lamdba-loving pipe and smoke it!
<el Chi implodes> What!?

Oh, and yes, I'm cruel, but it's only 'cos you love it really.