Willie...what a bastard.

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Walking round in women's underwear
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
Wow. I just checked his thread after not reading it for a week and discovered it was locked and he was banned.

I can't believe someone would start a hoax about something so serious and life-changing ON A FORUM and then openly-admit about how "funny" it was.

You moderators did a good job. <3

i don't think he knew how big it would end up. still he doesn't seem like a really malicious person.
The inevitablility of this post to be locked is higher than the clouds, but why someone wouldn't have something better to do, then to sit on a forum on the internet, and troff on for 15+ pages about getting some bird pregnant and shit, before unraveling the 'hilarity' of it being bullshit (which i suspected anyway) at the end, is beyond me. Seen it all before, to create a cover story with the real reason to say, yes i have had sex, because they seem to think people actually care. We had it with rambler, now we have the new contestant.

Needs a job or a serious rethink of his current hobbies.
Yeah, before that thread... I respected him for bringing comic relief to the forums.

But now he's just a complete dick whom shall never my respect ever again.
Mark me down for total indifference.

I don't see what there is to get worked up about, but then again I never spoke to the guy either. *shrug*

Abuse of trust


All i can say on the matter :p
It was an ignorant, stupid, pathetic and completely dumb thing to do. We don't really care how big he did or didn't expect it to become, the fact of the matter is that it did develop into such a large thread. He is banned for 30 days. Anyone who wishes to take up his idiocy seat will find themselves with a 60 day ban.
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