
Feb 3, 2005
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BOSTON – A whole new way of generating electricity in the U.S. drew a big step closer to reality Wednesday, and it could look like this: 130 windmills, 440 feet tall, rising from the ocean a few miles off Cape Cod.

After more than eight years of lawsuits and government reviews, the Obama administration cleared the way for the nation's first offshore wind farm.

Other groups said they would sue immediately.

"It's far from over," Cape Cod resident Audra Parker of the Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound. "Nantucket Sound needs to be off limits to Cape Wind and any other industrial development."

Salazar said the project had been exhaustively analyzed and added: "This is the final decision of the United States of America. We are very confident we will be able to uphold the decision against legal challenges."


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Are there certain physical specifications that applies a certain distance between each mill?

Whats the problem with windfarms and what is that prick going to sue over? ... **** It's nice knowing I dont live in a country full of turd munchers.
Typo (or not?) in thread title is awesome.

Stubborn people will always find something to protest about. People always like to complain that it's "too noisy" even though wind farms produce about the sound level of people whispering.

Anyways, I think offshore wind farms would be really cool to see.
Obama - Gets shit done

No doubt. I'm not sure I agree with him on some things, but there can be no doubt: he hit the ground running and hasn't stopped. I'm impressed.

And this decision is something I completely approve of. It took 8 years of legal battles (under Bush), but it now looks to be a done deal.
I'd be pissed if I lived in the cape, I don't wan't no muslim stealin mah wind

on a more serious note, i agree with VT2...obama gets shit DONE (minus the whole iraq thing)
Actually, with Iraq and the middle east, he's getting more done than Bush did. Obama actually has a strategy on how to get in and out quickly, Bush never really had a plan there.
I hope that they're far enough offshore so they won't spoil the view.
I hope they set up more where I live. Buffalo gets so much damn wind off Lake Erie we could generate enough electricity for NYC and beyond tbh
what are they going to sue about?

the giant mills are blocking my view of the ocean?
We have plenty of them here, a couple miles off the coast in the North Sea you can just about see a load of them together. Oddly, despite the eyesore argument they have a degree of finesse about them. They do make some noise but no one is living in the sea permanently these needs moar.

Thread title is great...

We're hopin' to grow a field full o' win for generations to come
- :farmer:
Wind energy is awesome but I can understand some people's concern.

They WILL spoil the view. And wind turbines chop up thousands of birds every year... some of them are endangered.

There are better places for wind farms. The great planes are open, vast, and have lots of wind.... I doubt many would complain.

But trashing an ocean vista is pretty high up there on the "You F**king Asshole! You just screwed my property value and a beautiful view" scale.
And wind turbines chop up thousands of birds every year... some of them are endangered.

Natural selection is a dish best served...hilariously

But trashing an ocean vista is pretty high up there on the "You F**king Asshole! You just screwed my property value and a beautiful view" scale.

You see a an obstructive turbine, I see the potential for a fairly decent ferris wheel.
I don't see what all the fuss is about. Shit would awesome in the distance.
First it's obstructing our oceanic view then its...

Wind energy is awesome but I can understand some people's concern.

They WILL spoil the view. And wind turbines chop up thousands of birds every year... some of them are endangered.

There are better places for wind farms. The great planes are open, vast, and have lots of wind.... I doubt many would complain.

But trashing an ocean vista is pretty high up there on the "You F**king Asshole! You just screwed my property value and a beautiful view" scale.

If this was a 'Republican' backed deal, you'd be defending it. **** that shit, guys.

If this was a 'Republican' backed deal, you'd be defending it. **** that shit, guys.

He didn't say anything about oil and looking for a fight? :p
They WILL spoil the view.
Spoil the view?





And wind turbines chop up thousands of birds every year... some of them are endangered.
In the United States, cars and trucks wipe out millions of birds each year, while 100 million to 1 billion birds collide with windows. According to the 2001 National Wind Coordinating Committee study, “Avian Collisions with Wind Turbines: A Summary of Existing Studies and Comparisons to Other Sources of Avian Collision Mortality in the United States," these non-wind mortalities compare with 2 bird deaths per turbine per year.
small blades, low surface area, lots of dead birds possible; very big blades, with large surface area exposed to wind, very few dead birds.
antique turbine design, are at the root of the widespread association of bird mortality with wind turbines in general.

2 bird deaths per turbine year, compared to oil and coal which are affecting the eco-system of the entire Earth.




But trashing an ocean vista is pretty high up there on the "You F**king Asshole! You just screwed my property value and a beautiful view" scale.



What a Vista! Such Beauty.
Yep, I've heard that the new designs cause very few bird deaths.

With the giant 5000gal/day BP oil rig spill going on in the Gulf right now (surprisingly getting relatively little attention), I would certainly welcome wind farms over, for instance, offshore drilling.

And I'm a little surprised how averse supposedly progressive states like Massachusetts are to green technologies like wind power. Right now Texas has the most wind power. Yeah, that's right... TEXAS. Massachusetts, you should be ashamed of yourself.
You just screwed my property value and a beautiful view" scale.

This is exactly why nobody gives a ****.

The planet has more important issues than making sure your appraisal goes well.