Win2k Problem


Aug 1, 2003
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I just formatted my harddrive and reinstalled win2k. But now when I boot up my system I get into a screen where I have to choose between Win2k and Win2k.

Only the first one works cause Win2k is only installed once. Does anyone know how I can get rid of this option thing ?
Sounds like a hidden partiton that wasn't removed - guess you'll have to fdisk to remove the other partition that has some old Win2k boot on it.
lePobz said:
Sounds like a hidden partiton that wasn't removed - guess you'll have to fdisk to remove the other partition that has some old Win2k boot on it.

What is fdisk ? (sorry im a pc newbie with those kind of things).
Or go into your boot.ini and remove the second entry. I'd go with Pobz's idea first though.
do Start, Run. Type msconfig and hit enter. Click on the boot.ini tab then click Check all Boot Paths.