Winamp vs bandwidth


Aug 21, 2005
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Whenever i'm downloading some shit (Bitlord), i notice that everytime i start winamp the download speed gets killed. It sometimes drops to like 1/4 of the speed for a minute or so. This happens everytime winamp changes songs too.

How do i stop Winamp from doing this? I already selected in prefrences "no internet connection", it didn't help.
Loc-Dog said:
Whenever i'm downloading some shit (Bitlord), i notice that everytime i start winamp the download speed gets killed. It sometimes drops to like 1/4 of the speed for a minute or so. This happens everytime winamp changes songs too.

How do i stop Winamp from doing this? I already selected in prefrences "no internet connection", it didn't help.
It's possible that your net. card is one that uses a lot of CPU time so when something else demands a large amount of time (winamp) it slows down.

Just an example but notice how some NICs use below 10% CPU usage and others go close to 50%?

Could be anything else I guess too but this is what came to mind. Try somethign else that demands CPU usage instantly that you can watch (like winamp picking the next song and searching your harddrive). Maybe start a game in window mode.

Have you noticed this before?